Thursday, July 11, 2013

June 30, 1943 Part 2 sent in a later letter

June 30, 1943

Dear Folks,

Everyday we do something new.  Today we got "pieces".  They are in civilian lingo rifles but here everything is a "piece" or an "arm".  We went to the supply house and drew these to learn the manual forms with them.  Most of the fellows got the old Enfield rifle but me and a few others got the new ultra modern M-1 or Garand rifle.  They are as you probably know gas loaded and fire a .30 cal. bullet.  But are they heavy!  8 lobs + 3 ozs seems like a ton after it has rested on your arm or shoulder for awhile.

We went on parade today.  At 3:45 we fell out in Class A uniforms and helmets to go to the main drill fields.  We marched up to the field where we formed a squadron front and marched 12 min across, something we had never done before.  We marched onto the field walked by the reviewing stand.  Then all the squadrons lined up in a Flight front and waited by the cannon to fire, the retreat to be sounded with the lowering of the flag, and the band to march up and down the field.  We couldn't move all during this time and I was rather dead in places at the end of the time.  We got back at 5:45 to wait to a very poor supper.
Today I got the box and it was all in fast.  I didn't realize at the time but I may have trouble finding film for the camera myself.  However I am going to town again tonight and I shall try to find some films tonight.  I will write more about St. Louis as soon as I can find out more about it.  Most of the fellows don't think much of it though. 

With love
Permission slip required for possessing a camera on base.

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