Sunday, July 7, 2013

June 13, 1943

From Pvt. Austin L. Rounds
Squadron C 29th T.G.
Jefferson Barracks, MO

To Mrs. A.P. Rounds

15 Wilson Rd.
Stoneham, Mass.

Jefferson Barracks
Sunday 13, 1943

Dear Mother;

I am sorry I didn't write yesterday or the day before but we have been busy.  I don't know just how the new mail is coming through because I have not received any mail yet but I expect some.  None of the fellows have got any mail yet.

This is really a great life.  Although I like it and feel fine I don't believe I will stay any longer in the army than possible. We are fed well but the hours are terrible - 5:15 to any hour of the night.  We have to be all up til 4:00 p.m.  Often they are an hour or so late and we don't get a chance to have a shower before supper.  That makes things very uncomfortable.  These first few days have been tough on some of the fellows because some come from very luxurious homes.  

It sure is hot out here.  I don't know just how hot it is but this is the first place I ever swet (sic).  And do we swet (sic).  The fat and the thin all swet the same.  I have begun to get a heat rash on my legs and under the heavy wool stockings.  The P.D.s ( a kind of legging) are made of canvas and are the hottest darn things you ever saw.  I have got so that I swet through a heavy undershirt enough to soak my shirts. My arms in my sleeves are always soaking wet.  Even with the heat we get no change in schedule.  A few of the boys I have talked with are from Texas and they say that they never were so hot in their life.  It must be the humidity.  It rains so often the ground is usually damp.  We are also on the Mississippi river.

You may get my clothes in a few days.  They are supposed to be sent free of charge at the government expense.  I am so tired and we are having a heated discussion.


Jefferson Barracks
Monday 14, 1943

Dear Mother;

The two of these letters are coming together because we got into a hot discussion last night and I didn't have time to mail the letter before I went to bed.

On a whole I have not written too many letters so maybe I better explain and have you set up a memeograph (sic) and make copies to send around.  If you haven't already done so I wish you would write to Grandma and to Grandpa.  I hardly have time to write a letter.

(As you see my letters are a little incoherent.  This is because I no more than get a line written and we get the orders to fall out on the "double" and that means in a hurry.  Our new sgt is rather tough but a swell fellow.  Even so everyone gets a great kick out of the way he takes care of us.  He really does a wonderful job.

"There have been some changes made".  You ought to see the G.I. haircut I got.  If Pop would send some film and a camera I will take some pictures of the place and you can get an idea how I look in our "Class A's" and "Class B's".  I sure would like to have a portable radio and a lot of other junk, but that seems impossible.

You should get my clothes as I sent them home today.  I have run out of paper so you will have to wait till I get some from the P.X.


{For more information about Jefferson Barracks, since I can't find any pictures that Grandpa took, check out the Jefferson Barracks home page.  There's a short video about it too... just in case you're interested. Jefferson Barracks, Answering the Call.  If you've ever been there, we'd love to hear what it's like! }

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