Wednesday, July 10, 2013

June 20, 1943

Jefferson Barracks
Sunday June 20, 1943

Dear Mary;

We are having a pouring rain now.  It is just coming down in buckets and is running into all the gullies. It is following in under the door and is beginning to wet the floor and make it rather uncomfortable.  But it is a welcome change.  All day long it has been too hot to do anything and I have stayed in an slept or stayed in the shade.  I did a little washing and it was rather hot work and I cam back with my clothes rather swetty.  I went to look up my friend Dick Moir who got in last Thursday.  They had com in coaches and had sopped for six hours in Chicago.   I had seen them come in and had read the shipping orders with all their names on it but I had not noticed his.  if I had know he was hear before I would have gone and seen him.  All of his gang were very interested in that picture.  Thanks a lot for telling me of him and for sending that picture.

When I think of the poor people at home I feel sorry for you with all the rationing.  With the gas shortage you have to walk and the sugar rationing Mother has to worry about how she will come out at the end of a period.  We don't have any rationing at all out here.  The gas shortage don't bother me at all.  I walk everywhere I go and when I go to the main P.X. that is some walk.  We get all the sugar we want and I have gotten so that I leave sugar in the bottom of my coffee cup.  What a waste.  The meat we get may not be the best but who can pick when it tastes good and fills up the right spot.  We really have an easy life on Sundays.

I was glad to hear about the banquet and I am glad you had a good time.  Last year there were cars and gas for pleasure driving but this year you seemed to have a tough time to get around.  As you say Mr. Thibodeau stole the show from the rest of the teachers.  Last year he shared honors with Mr. Miller but he is gone.  The kids always have fun when "Thibby" is there.  He is really a good sport.  I supposed most of the after-dinner speeches were rather dry but that seems to be the case everywhere and every time.

I sure wish I was home to go to the "Pops" or the Esplanade concerts this summer.  As it is we have prospects of staying here 56 days but it probably won't be that long.  If it is I won't get home to go to any of the concerts at all.  Most likely I won't get home for quite some time yet.  Have they played the "Rhapsody in Blue" lately.  I heard it today on the radio and it made me rather wish I was hearing it in Stoneham rather than in Missouri.  It rather reminded me of William and his records.

We really got a good laugh today.  One of the fellows got a letter from his girl and she wrote, quote, "how many hours of flying have you had".  The nearest we get to planes is seeing one or two flying over every once in a while.  We really don't expect to see planes until the end of our college when we get the 10 hours of dual instructions.  That will be the day and will be something to write about.

Today I went to church.  It is really a little chapel that has been dedicated in the last week.  It was really a beautiful service and it made me homesick.  I guess that church is one of the things that I really miss.  I guess I got so used to church at home I will get homesick everytime.  This seems to be the only time of week I felt like I am missing something.

I am writing this by match light because the lights are out.

With Love

Here's what's on the bottle of eye drops

187864            4.23.43
Drop two drops in eyes twice daily
Dr. Crosby

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