Sunday, July 7, 2013

Draft Notice and Official Business

Austin Rounds turned 19 on Febuary 9, 1943.  He was in his first year at Boston University.   These are 3 pictures of him with classmates and a professor.  He's the one with wavy hair on the left.

February 14, 1943.  He received this card directing him to report to the Winchester, Massachusetts Town Hall for a physical examination on Feb. 18.

April 14, 1943.  The next piece of mail is a copy of his application, complete with 3 letters of reference, to the Aviation Corps.  As you can see, he came highly recommended.

On May 8, a letter from the War Department was sent to report Austin's results on the Joint Army-Navy Pre-Induction Test.  I don't know what kind of test that was, but he passed, apparently with flying colors.

On May 15, he received mail from The President of the United States, for probably the first time in his life.  'ORDER TO REPORT FOR INDUCTION", on May 28, 1943.  All he had to do was pass the examinations at the Induction Center and he would be in the Army.  For further explanations on the process of Induction, check this website out.

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