Thursday, December 11, 2014

December 11, 1944

Roswell Field
Dec. 11, 1944

Dear A.P.

I wrote Mother a letter yesterday but did not mail it so you will probably get two letters in Stoneham today.  Some of your questions can't be answered in Mother's letters so I must write to you once in a while.  Don't think I don't think of you but it is just that it seems Mother can tell everyone all the news I write.

Yes we pilot and travel around in those big B17s all by ourselves. It must seem wonderful to you but really it is nothing at all to us.  The flight to Houston was a surprise cross country meaning that an instructor was along to help us along.  There are a million and one little details to take care of on such a trip and they were breaking us into the job.  All kinds of frogs and papers have to be filled out and the instructor was along to see that it was done properly.

I am glad to hear that you are going to take a trip to Chicago this month.  I think you should take Mother along even if she is reluctant.  She will probably say that she has too much at home on her mind but I don't think a little housework or mending or anything should stand in the way.  It could be so much fun for her to see the city.  She has been stuck at home much too long.  Please do everything to get her away from Mass.

Jan 22 I will be in ground school as well as on the 23rd.  However I should be on the way home some time after that.  Of course everything is very indefinite and no one here knows what our chances are of getting home for Christmas and New Years.  I do know that 15 days is coming our way soon.

You have never written much about your radio.  I was wondering what frequency you broadcast on.  I imagine you use a voice procedure and no code.  I was wondering because our because our Liaison set in the plane can pick up anything from 300 KC to 18 M.C.  It is also good for several thousand miles.  You see we can pick up Tokyo on it but that is a beamed station.  We might be able to hear you if you have the power.  I have no intention of listening to you but I was just wondering.
Liaison radio station

Christmas is really a problem.  I have no great pressing needs and wish only to be home.  I want to buy everyone something but have no ideas.  Everyone seems to think that hey can buy for me while I am no expected to show my gratitude.  I have been with you all for such a short time the last year that I have no idea what you have on your mind or what you would be pleased to receive form me.  If I were home I am sure things would be a lot different.  I only wish I were on the way home rather than sweating out a course in which i have no interest and from which I will derive little.

Well enough of all this gloom.  Next week I am going to have a special pass to go down to Mexico.  All military personnel must have special passes to get in but that is the only restriction.  We may have a little trouble getting on the 1230 bus but we will devise something somehow.  I figure that next weekend will be our last chance and we plan to make the very most of it.

As long as I shall be home before reaching my next station I will not need any information about wills etc.  I am sure we can make arrangements when I get home.  Maybe I have no great need for such a thing seeing everything of value, bonds and money, are in someone else's name along with mine.  Anyway I plan to grow a long old grey beard when I get to be your age.

Well I have a book to read and this letter seems to drag out so before I begin to bore you I will finish. mother will tell you about my trip to El Paso last week.  You know I am going to see more than you did when you were out here.  It is under slightly different circumstances but just the same I am getting rid of my itchy heals.

With love

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