Wednesday, December 3, 2014

December 3, 1944

Roswell Field
Dec 3, 1944

Dear Mary:

I guess it is my turn and about time to write to you.  I have been intending to write for a long time but just haven't gotten around to it.

Well this is Sunday and a very quiet day.  The weather has been bad for several days with the ceiling at about 500' so no flying.  The sun just came out so I expect it will be good flying tonight so I will get in my last ride here at Roswell.  As far as flying goes I have but 3 hours more to go and I will finish that tonight.  We have finished ground school and nothing is left to be done.  We will have a few weeks of administrative school if we don't get shipped out in the next week.  I rather like it here and hate to pull up stakes and move again.  It seems that every 3 months it is the same story.

Counting it up I have been on 7 different posts in the last 18 mos.  That has been a move every 2 1/2 mos.  I just wonder how many more jumps I will make.  It has been a lot of fun nevertheless and I have found something new on every station.  At each place I have made new friends and each new change has meant leaving more behind  I would rather like to make a longer stop at one of these places and get to know a few more people.

It is fun living away from home on your own resources.  I guess you learn about living a lot faster.  You learn to depend upon yourself and to think for yourself.  There is no one to tell you to take your raincoat and you have only yourself to blame for the consequences.  If you get sick it is because you didn't use good judgment somewhere but if you are well and happy you can only blame it on yourself and no one else take the glory away from you.  I guess you might say that you can make or break yourself, at least you are the sum of your own efforts.

However, home looks very inviting.  No time schedule to make on if you don't want to.  You don't get a court marshall if you don't show up on time, it may go hard with the professors but they will overlook human frailties.  Home is the place where all your real friends and loved ones stay.  I guess home looks like heaven from here but it sure can be it's little bit of hell.  Anyway it is always somewhere pleasant to go on those 15 day leaves.

What do I want for Christmas?  Now that is a very good question.  How about a 30 day leave or a nice beautiful blond.  To be serious I do need something suitable to wear to bed, I also need  appear of all purpose slippers.  Actually I have most all the clothes I can ship around.  Every time I move I must take everything or throw it away.  I do need a pair of "Pink" pants to go with my blouse but that is about all.  I intend to buy a coat when I get home because these out here are not too good.  Really I guess I could get along without very much.  I don't know what I want so I guess you will have to guess.

What would you like this year?  I have an awful time thinking of  presents for everyone.  In fact I have nothing for anyone and I will have to start pretty soon.  This Christmas problem is really a big one and even though I know you don't expect anything I would hate to forget anyone.  I am sure if I were in Boston I could do better because Roswell is not very well stocked with things to send home.

I am glad you like B.U.  Your letters are very good advertisements for the school.  I am sure that if I had the enthusiasm for my accounting that you have for some of your subjects I would not have flunked it.  I guess that it is just one of those things.  Maybe someday I will go back and redeem myself.

The sun is out good now so I guess there is no doubt what I will do tonight.  I guess I haven't written much and have nothing more to write so

With love

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