Friday, December 26, 2014

December 26, 1944

Roswell Field
Dec 26

Dear Esther:

How much I would like to make a trip east to a little town called "Stoneham" you can't imagine.  No matter how many places you see or how much you see you always will compare them with home and none of them add as well.  I often like to imagine on these little trips around the country that I am on my way home but things never quite add up and you always arrive in some strange new, sometimes exciting town.  However it is never home as it really is.

I went to the movie "Arsenic and Old Lace" sometime ago.  It was while I was in town here so not so long ago.  I really got a big bang out of it.  Cary Grant and those two old ladies were good but I liked Raymond Massey's accomplice, Peter Lorre a lot more.  You may not know it but I make it a point to see most of the pictures he is in.  He always looks so mistreated and has that hang-dog but is so wise and smart.  I guess I just like to see him that's all.  

Anyway the picture was really swell.    Charge!!!

I got Mary's card a couple of days ago and admired it a long time.  I showed it to my friends and they also said that she was rather clever.  Anyway what they said made me very proud of her.  I think she should follow up her talent along those lines but she is so good at so much I guess she can't do them all.  From what little I hear from her she seems to likes school and most everything she does.  She must have a creative mind or something.

I got the "Stoneham Scandal Sheet" the other day and noticed a little item near the bottom.  Now as a rule the baby notices are just passed by so I won't know who the little ones are when I get home but the name Spear kind of held my attention.  It looked a little familiar so I read on.  Capt and Mrs. Philip J Spear didn't mean much and 7 lbs and 9 oz didn't seem like such a hot baby but the name Hazel Blackburn told the story.  Mrs. Blackburn sure is getting an awful lot of refugees grandchildren.  I guess this one wasn't a refugee however.  You can give her my best wishes when you see her and give "Jr." a wink for me.

I wrote Mother a letter from Albuquerque yesterday and forgot to mail it.  I will put it in your letter unless I forget again.  I don't remember what I said but I hope it is all right.  It is all beaten up because of the trip down here on the bus.  She can put it in her collection of things from all the places I have been.  When and if I go back I will send her some cards of the town.  I should have done it this time.

I opened my Christmas gifts last night at 2330 so it was still Christmas.  The trip back from the big town took 5 1/2 hours which was about 2 hours shorter than going up.  We had seats all the way even though some people had to stand parts of the way.  Anyway to get back to the gifts, the were very sensible gifts and about all I needed.  I am glad no more was spent because we are very well taken care of or at least we can get the essentials a lot easier and probably cheaper.  I am buying new clothes all the time so that i feel I can buy easier here than you can at home.  I think a War Bond is a lot more appropriate than extravagant spending.

I want very badly to save all the money I can but I always find a new need. I'll either have to stop running around the country or go to a warm climate or get out of the army before I can stop spending.  I have yet to buy some real winter clothes to wear.  I have nothing I can wear off the post if it rains or if it is very cold.  I guess like the women that get good jobs I too am about to become a "clothes horse".  I must have about $350 tied up and another $100 needed but what can you do.  I have very few things that are unnecessary and uniforms complete for two seasons, Summer and Winter.  I imagine that except for replacements and such things as pajamas and bath robes and slippers I will not have to spend much any more except for replacements.  My only hope is that I can wear some of this stuff when I get out of the Army because I have so much tied up.  Maybe a good big fire in the barracks just before my discharge can solve the problem of getting rid of a lot of uniforms and getting a lot of money instead.  

Well I have to hit the sack now.  I have to get up at 10 00 tomorrow and it is now 2200.  You know 12 hours of sleep is about enough for an active youngster they say.


PS Give the match covers to the man in your office whose daughter saves them.

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