Saturday, November 8, 2014

November 8, 1944

Roswell Field
Nov. 8, 1944

Dear A.P.

I have finally broken down and decided to write again.  Even though we are on a tough flying schedule we don't have too many ground school classes and get a pretty good chance to sleep in the morning.

We are getting an average of 2 1/2 hours a day lately and are going on a 5 hour a day schedule tomorrow.  It gets awful tiresome but at this rate we are now going we will finish ahead of schedule.

Tomorrow we get our instrument check so by the time you get this I will know if I am to be a pilot or a co-pilot.  If I don't get checkitis or something I will have it made.  It will be tough concentrating for 2 1/2 hours but I guess I can stand it.

I may even get home for Thanksgiving if I am lucky.  We are due 7 or more days at the end of our training here and the end should come up in a couple of weeks.  If it does I will make tracks for the first plane going East and there should be a lot of them.  We may have a great Thanksgiving even yet.

Mother has been sending a lot of clippings from the papers about the problem of making Boston the center of air activity after the war.  If Boston is made the stopover on flights across maybe fellows like me can have a chance to find a job in what we like after the war.  Even though the competition for flying jobs after the war will be stiff the further I go in this training the better my chances get.

I was glad to hear you got down to Bridgeton last week.  I hope everyone was well and from what you wrote Grandpa seems to be his old self alright.

We got Radio Tokyo on our Liaison Set today and got quite a kick out of their broadcast.  They really have a lot of propaganda but it doesn't seem convincing to me.  We get it on 13.5 megs if you have a set.  You might get a laugh out of it.  They have a lot of good music anyway.  
For a recording and more details about Tokyo Rose, click here.

Well this is a rather brief letter but I am out of paper.  Well have to write again soon I guess.

With love

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