Saturday, November 1, 2014

November 1, 1944

Roswell Field
1 Nov 44

Dear Mother:

Well here are the money orders I have been promising for the last month.  They are the main reason for this letter so don't expect anything long.

I want $200 dollars put directly into my bank account so that the next time I am home I will have something to get to my new station on.  Also in case I run short of money I can have a little ready who knows I may land in Boston again with only 10 cents.  The other hundred is to go into War Bonds and the difference is yours to spend as you see fit.  You can use it on my expenses to you while I am away or you can buy yourself a new hat, do with it as you please but do something with it.

Bob Hope was here yesterday and they made a gala day of it.  You may or may not have heard the radio.  In any case I was there and saw the whole broadcast.  Hope is really a character and a heck of a lot of fun to an audience and to his group.  He is a born clown and can crack jokes about most any situation.  When a couple of fuses for the stage lights failed he had everyone rolling in the aisles with his wisecracks.  He also put on a show at the Officer's Club afterwards which was very much on the funny side.  Some of the jokes were a little shady and probably aren't able to be on the air but everyone enjoyed him immensely.

Bob Hope and Gale Robbins

Well slowly but surely we are getting in our time.  I guess I have about 40 hours now and about 20 more before my instrument check.  You had better wish me luck because I will really need it on that day.

I will close now because I am writing this between a Navigation class and P.T.

With love

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