Saturday, November 15, 2014

November 15, 1944

Roswell Field
Nov. 15, 1944

Dear A.P.

Have a little time to write in between P.T. and gas mask drill.  Every Thursday is gas mask day so P.T. is very short.  As it was we ran around the field with our masks on which is very strenuous exercise.
PT drills in gas masks

We flew last night and will again today if the weather clears up.  Last night we went on a 600 mi cross country and it took us a little more than 3 hours.  We ran into rain and snow about half way around accompanied by low ceilings so had a rather rough time.  A couple of our radios went out so we had a pretty unhappy trip.  Night cross countries are pretty easy.  You take up the general direction you are heading and then take out the drift by the radio compass.  It is all pretty easy.

Today the weather is socked in so the first flight this morning did not get off the ground.  Maybe we won't either so I am not planning anything this afternoon.

This weekend we get a 36 hour leave so we are going to see some of the country around here if things go as planned.  They have a big summer and winter resort up in the mts about 100 miles from here so we are going up and see some snow.  It may be a little expensive but we don't care too much as we haven't spent a heck of a lot of money lately except upon movies.  It will be a pretty good change.

We have been having personal affairs lectures lately and they tell us that we should have a will made out if we own anything of value.  However they tell us to have it made at home rather than here because of the lack of suitable witnesses to such.  They say that many of the witnesses we get here would not be available if it were to be executed some time in the future.  I think that it is better to have it made out at home when I get there soon I hope.

Do you think we could arrange a short trip to Maine when I am home again?  I sure would like to see Grandpa and Aunt Emma.  Maybe we could use some of those fish reels you found.  It sure could be a load of fun if we could.

Do you know if Mother got my last bond a short time ago.  She should have.  We are asked to take out a bond a month here and they twist your arm a little to see that you do.  I don't mind buying bonds and really think it is a good way to save money but this high pressure salesmanship is what gets me.  I guess I just hate to have people tell me what I should do with my money.  Maybe they have our best interests in view.  We are buying them anyway which is what they want.  Incidentally the officers have a 100% subscription on this post.  

I kind of wish Mother had found the time to see the West last month.  I guess I didn't to to sell the idea enough.  All she needed was a little more pushing and she would have come.  Maybe I fell down on the job.  This is a poor time of year to come because the weather is getting bad.  It is getting cold and damp and a lot like some of our March weather.  Mrs. Blaisdell in Phoenix says it is still swell around there and that they still get 80-90 degrees everyday.  However the nights must get cold even though it warms up during the day.

Last Sunday we went to the First Methodist church in town.  I'm sending along the calendar which you can give to Mother if she is saving such things.

Since I have started writing I have been to dinner and been to the flight line.  We did not fly because of the weather.  It doesn't make me too unhappy to stay on the ground but you rather hate to spend the time and not get the flying in.

Well I guess I shall go into town and get my watch cleaned and maybe but a book to read.  Do you have any good suggestions?

With love

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