Sunday, October 26, 2014

October 26, 1944

Oct. 26, 1944

Dear Mother:

I haven't written a letter for about 3 days and actually have no good excuse.  Sunday I got up and went to church.  Monday we flew and were thus very short on time.  Wednesday we flew at night and I was J.O.D. Thursday I was without anything to do so I am writing.

Sunday I went to church.  It was the Church of Christ. Maybe you have been to one but I got a big kick out of it.  All the music is produced by the congregation.  They have a song leader who is a fair singer and everyone joins in in the singing.  You will be surprised what good singing they do get.  Everyone sings his part and it all goes together so nicely.

We then went to the movies after a good big steak dinner.  We saw "Saludos Amigos".  It is not too good a picture for children but is more on the educational side.  It is the story of the "Disney" Corporation's trip through S. Amer.  It was a fair picture.

Monday we flew the "big bird" on the radio range on instruments.  There is not much to say about it except that it was hard work.

Wednesday I was Junior Officer of the Day.  I started Tuesday at 1200 and got off Wednesday at 1200.  I had to sleep in the office on a couple of desks pulled together.  I had intended to finish up all my letter writing but got in the book called "Claudia" written by Rose Franken.  I thought that it was going to be a lousy book but found out differently.  It is the reason this letter comes today and not the day before yesterday.

Well we fly again tomorrow so I can't write too long a letter.  I think I shall write to A.P. also.  I have a little time and must get off some of the letters I owe.

Nothing much goes on around here except that I was lucky enough to get picked to go to the Bob Hope show next Tuesday.  Only a few can get in and I was lucky to be picked.  My luck still holds out.

With love

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