Sunday, October 19, 2014

October 19, 1944

Roswell Field
Oct. 19, 1944

Dear Mother:

I should be studying my procedures for tonights flying but I all do it a little later and instead write to you.  I have written to William so I guess it is your turn again.

I have two sticks of gum in my pocket and they were what prompted me to write.  Maybe it is a good idea to carry gum so you can get more letters.  I hope you like "Beeman's".

Tonight we fly again.  We are going up for instrument work.  The instrument course here is about 60 hours long.  That amounts to 12 or 13 rides and about 3 to 4 weeks of work.  We will then be qualified to pass the stiffest instrument test the Army can give.  That is of course if we are successful.

You know I am not worried a heck of a lot about passing this phase of training.  If I pass I will be a first pilot and if flunk out I will be a co-pilot.  Either way you fly the Lumber Wagon B17 if you like it or not.  They only way you can get out is to get 50 missions in combat and come back and apply for single engine training.  Some future.  After 50 missions in this ship they should send you home to rest for the duration.  Maybe I am just bitter but I still don't enjoy flying this ship.

Well I have been spending money rather freely lately but still have last months $307 check and one for $32.90 and if I can hold out another 2 weeks on $30 I guess I can send it all home.  What am I going to do with all my spare money.  I guess the bank and War Bonds are the two best ways.

You may wonder what I have spent my money for.  Well I have bought a new pair of swell looking shoes, a jacket, some socks, under clothes, a new O.D. hat and a few incidentals.  It is rather nice to go into a store and know you can buy what meets your fancy.  I don't know what I will do when money is not so free and I have to work for a living again.  I believe school life would be rather dull for a time if I had to come home right away.  I doubt if I could sit still long enough to work out an 8 hour accounting problem.  I have been gone so long.

Well it must be getting cold now.  I haven't seen the real old N.E. fall now for 2 years.  I wonder how many more I will have to miss.

With love

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