Tuesday, October 21, 2014

October 21, 1944

Roswell Field
Oct 21, 1944

Dear Mother:

I have just received my final Independent in quite some time.  I didn't realize how much I missed it until I got this one.  I also got a letter from Grandma and one from Mary so I have had plenty to read today.

Today is Saturday and I really beautiful day.  We flew the first mission this morning which was instruments.  For the next couple of weeks we will fly instruments and if I wash out of here it will be because the B17 and the A.T.6 do not fly anything the same.  I just have any awful time with the ship.  I don't know if it is my poor instrument technique or if single engine men are just poor instrument pilots.  I have always had trouble flying "under the hood" so it may be just me.  The change from one engine to 4 is just too much for me to handle.  I only hope the instructor realizes my situation and has a little patience.  Anyway I have always had my troubles this way and expect to for some time to come.  Every thing seems to be one long haul after another.  At least I have the wing and commission.

We have classes till 6:30 PM and then we are free from 36 hours.  I could do a lot in that time if I knew just what I wanted to do.  If I could get a little more time I could go up to Carlsbad Caverns or go to see a famous summer resort the name of which I can not remember.  Anyway I will probably go to a U.S.O. show here on the post and then go to town and go to a Walt Disney feature.  "Saludo Amigos".  It is supposed to be a good picture.

To get back to the paper it looks like the boys in the service get most of the paper except in the ads.  It don't seem to carry much about the goings on in town as it did before the war.  I guess things are pretty quiet in my little home town.

Time for class now.  So I have to run.

With love

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