Wednesday, August 6, 2014

August 6, 1944

Dear Mother:

Here I am writing on hotel stationary waiting for a train tomorrow at 0700 to take me home.  We will travel Pullman all the way of course; we believe in traveling in style.

You probably wonder when I will arrive in Boston.  Well the schedule says Thursday noon and so someone had better be there to take me home because by then my finances will begin to worry me.  I don't have much baggage so bring a car full.

Well graduation went off on schedule and I have those wings and bars now.  It seems kind of funny to be wearing them of course but I guess I'll get used to it soon enough.  It sure feels funny to have the soldiers throwing salutes at you instead of just passing by.  I also have to think when I don't salute another 2nd Lt.  It doesn't quite seem natural.

Mr. and Mrs. Blaisdel came out to the graduation and I was so happy to see them.  You see I have almost found another home out here.  I almost think I would rather stay rather than spend 8 days of a furlough on a dirty old train.

I haven't told you that I got 15 days off and an unassigned status back here afterwards.  Everyone in the class got 11 days or more and some of use get 15 days and then return here.  We are then supposed to go to gunnery school and then into one of the O.T.U. to wait for assignment to an overseas pool.  There are pools and pools all over this part of the country so don't worry about me.

I haven't heard from anyone for about 3 days so I guess the mail is being lost in the Post Office.  They will have it straight before long; about the time I get home.  My new address will be 2nd Lt. Austin L. Rounds, Luke Field, Phoenix Ariz.

I have a new serial number, an officer's serial number - 0-784076 which means I am really in but good.  I am in the A.U.S. which means I will be a flying private after the war.  I don't think much of that.

I guess I have forgotten a lot so wait till Thursday.

With love

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