Friday, August 22, 2014

August 22, 1944

Aug 22

Dear Mother;

Here I am with a little time on my hands so I will write a short note to you.  As usual everything turned out all right and I am on the Post with no serious complications.  We were 45 minutes late but we straightened that out by the train being 2 hours and 1/2 late.

We were half way between Boston and Newton when I remembered I had a set of orders at home.  It hit me like a ton of bricks and my first thought was to hop off at the next stop and get them.  Of course that was foolish considering I had no other means of getting back.  So I sent a telegram and hoped that you all would not get a bunch of ideas how to get it to me earlier.  In fact I had visions of it not getting out at all.  Well I worried all the trip about it until I went into the Adam's and found them waiting.  I was sure happy.

I got a load of letters today and I read that one you told me not to just to see how sentimental you are.  I got a kick out of it because it is all so far behind now.  I guess I was more than welcome at home after all.

We had a swell trip, in fact it was the best one yet.  There were so many people to talk to that the time just flew.  It was a short trip and a lot of it was at night.

I guess I just wanted to tell you that I was OK and enjoying life.  Lt. Smith wishes to go to the show so I will have to close on the shortest letter I have ever written I guess. Everything here is going to be fine.  I will send some money home soon to cover my latest expenses.  We will not get flying pay this month so I will not have too much money this month.  I am still thinking about you coming out and see this part of the country.  Maybe I will not be able to pay your way so you will have to talk to A.P.

I am in the Officer's Club and enjoying my relaxation.  This is really a swell place.  I will write again tomorrow and tell you about the trip.

With love

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