Friday, June 27, 2014

June 27, 1944

Luke Field
Phoenix, Ariz
June 27

Dear Mother:

I got your last letter last Saturday and here it is upper classman's graduation day so we have time to spare.  I can think of nothing better than to write because I am thinking of home again.  Of late especially since those pictures came home has been on my mind.  Maybe I am getting homesick??

I get quite a kick out of the pictures.  Someone got a hold of that one 10 years old and got a kick out of me.  I think I shall return it because it is valuable.  I noticed that you are still wearing the same clothes you wore a year ago.  How about spending some of my money on yourself and get your picture taken so I can see what you look like in something new.  I wish you would take some of the money because it means very little to me.

I have a chance to go out today if I want but instead I shall stay on the post and go swimming and try to improve on my tan.  I am getting a swell brown in fact I think I look a little black.  Is there any black blood in the family?  You can get a sun burn around here in 1/2 an hour.  Of course I don't sun bathe all the time but try to do underwater acrobatics.  Sunday I banged my head on the bottom and it made my head ache.  Maybe I should take better care of it.

(I have just come back from supper)

I left this letter about 8 hours ago and have been swimming and to the library.  I haven't done much except get more tanned and read some of the book "The Strange Woman".  It doesn't seem to be much of a story and is much too big for me to read.  I have got a headache as it is.  
{ed note: The book was made into a movie in 1946 and can be seen in full, online}

I haven't told you much about chow lately.  I haven't eaten a piece of bread for over 5 weeks now.  We have so much more to eat.  We get all the vegetables we can eat.  We also get a lot more fruit.  Oranges and grapefruit are very plentiful.  We are still getting multiple desserts and cake for breakfast.  I think I eat too much.

I put a penny in a scale the other day and weighed 186.  I guess with flying clothes and a parachute I must run pretty close to the 200 lb crew weight in these planes.  I must lose a lot of weight during the day because it is so hot.  You don't sweat because it is too dry.

I am still thinking of coming home but I hardly think I'll have a good chance.  I know you would like to come out but you should consider everything before you come.  you know that T.W.A advertisement looked pretty good.  However I might find a B24 and crew heading the right way if I am lucky.  I must get ready for bed. Tomorrow is a big day.

With love

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