Thursday, June 19, 2014

June 19, 1944

Luke Field
June 19, 1944

Dear A.P.

I hope I can write a letter on these two sheets of paper because it is all I have now and can get no more till tomorrow.

First let me say "Happy Birthday".  I hope this letter comes somewhere on time.  I don't think I know for sure how old you are but I guess it is close to 60 years.  That seems to me to be a long way.  I guess you said in your last letter that you were close to 60 so I guess I am right.  I can hardly imagine you as that old because I used to get the idea that after 60 you retired and looked old and brittle but I guess you kind of pushed through.  I guess you are going to keep right on just as your father has.  Well Congratulations and best wishes for next year.

I'm sorry I can't get a card to send but this will have to take the place.  I don't leave the past weekends because I have nothing special to take me away.  I go to the swimming pool and get a good tan and drink Root Beer all afternoon.  I also see 2 movies so my weekends are very enjoyable.  I am also saving a lot more money which I may use later.

Mother wrote and sent along some pictures.  I guess you know what I am talking about.  I got quite a kick out of them.  Everyone looks just as they did a year ago.  If you have any more taken please send them along.

I am glad you are getting so much fun out of Real Estate.  I doubt that you could interest me right now but maybe after I get home again.  You have got to work hard so we can have a plane when I get home.  By the way what kind of a radio license did you get and just what can you use it for? Please write something about it in your next letter.

Of course you know we use radio every day and it doesn't mean much to me.  I guess your radio deal is a lot different from mine.  I probably couldn't get a license to talk over it.

I have finished my instruments and got a instrument certificate saying I can fly in instrument weather and make take offs in weather with 500' ceiling and 1 mi visibility.  It means I can fly an kind of a plane in the "soup".   I call it quite a victory.  Right now I am back trying to learn to land the AT6 right and do other basic maneuvers.  I like my instructor very much and get along pretty well with him.

Yes, I got my watch all right.  Thank you very much.  I hate to say anything that might worry people but I had the watch only 2 days and lost the crystal out of it.  It had to go to the PX to get a new one.  It also lost 10 min that day so I don't know if it was due to the lost crystal or the watch.  I will see pretty soon.  I guess it is all right.  I almost feel like getting a cheap shock water proof watch for flying.  However I will see how this one stands the strain.

Mother wrote the other day and sent a clipping advertising T.W.A. 

(This is borrowed paper)

Well she has a very good idea and the expense doesn't bother me but I would hate to get grounded in Kansas City on the way back and have 12 hours to get to my next post.  It would be swell to come home but I would be foolish to try to come home in 10 days.  I might show up.

Flying is coming along all right I guess.  I am no hot pilot yet but I guess I still have an even chance of getting those silver wings.  Just think I have spent a year of hard work to get something everyone strives or wishes they could strive.  More fellows my age would like to be in my shoes.  I can see wha they want but I doubt if they can imagine the work it was and still is.  I have about 8 weeks to go and still have hopes.  A lot of fellows have given up and are now dropping out.  They all seem so tired that after the first E ride they give up.  After they are definitely out they seem to again come to live.  It seems that way with everyone.  Everyone is almost worn out.  Everyone is tired, all need a vacation but has 8 more weeks to go.  They have washed out 3 of our flight.  I hope they get no more.  They are bout to get another because he washed out a plane today.  Well it seems to be the breaks I guess.

I must close now.  Let me say Happy Birthday again and many happy returns.

With love

My address is just as you find it on the envelope.

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