Wednesday, June 11, 2014

June 11, 1944

June 11, 1944
Luke Field

Dear Mother:

Here it is Sunday again and my weekly letter home.  I hardly have time for any more.

Sunday is our day of rest.  It is really the only break in routine we get. I have just returned from a movie at one of the post theaters.  I saw "Going My Way" with "Bing" Crosby.  I enjoyed the picture very much even though I thought I would not like it.  Maybe you have not heard of it much less seen it.  Seeing you have all kinds of spare time I think you should see it.  I will recommend it to you.  Maybe William could take "Dot".

"Swinging on a Star", the most well known song from "Going My Way".

Well not much is going on now.  I have soloed out and am in the instrument department again.  They are trying to teach me beam flying and not making a lot of headway at least I don't think so.  I have to get in 12 hours and have about 7 to go.  I will be done next week I hope.  Since I have been on the beam I have heard a continuous ringing in my ears.  They say that that is the case with all inexperienced beam flyers.  You are coming in on the beam for the next 3 days.  It is because the volume is too high.
Well as always I am just worrying through the course from one phase to the next.  The next thing is check rides.  Why could I not have found something which be easier on the nerves.  I sure will need a vacation when this is over with.  I guess the next two months will be the longest.

So you had a spell of hot weather and now it is dry.  Well not to boast or anything but I haven't  seen any rain for a couple of months and have seen the thermometer at 129 degrees F here in the shade of a wing.  I went up one day when the free air temp gage in the plane indicated 40 degrees C which in F. scale indicates I don't know what; you figure it out.

I haven't been to Phoenix since that first day we were here.  It is too much bother to go.  We have everything right here on the post I need.  I can get some rest if I stay home and not bang around half the night.  It saves wear and tear on the nerves and the good humor.

Last week I was C.Q. one night.  I went on duty at 2115 and got off the next day at 0615 which gave me no sleep for 24 hours.  I then got about 6 hours of sleep and then went to the flight line.  Strangely enough tI was much more rested than if I had had a good nights sleep.  The PFC who put me on comes from Medford so we had quite a chat.  He had been home last month.  He knew William but William probably doesn't know him.  They went to Boy Scout Camp together.  His name is Berg.  I don't know what his first name is.  He says that he will ge me a pass some night and show me around.  He has been out here 21 months and knows his way around.

So Dada got a radio license.  Well I don't quite see what it can be used for but I guess if he and William keep up their efforts they may be able to renew it after the war.  I think he will have to have more experience if he expects to renew it on prewar standards.  I doubt if I could get one myself.  My code is dropping off so that 8 words is getting very difficult.  I doubt if a plane radio license is as hard to get.

So you have a puppy.  Well I guess it is about time something like that happened.  As for you not getting attached to it I can just imagine that.  Not the way you write.  By the way how does the other animal get along with a stranger.  He must feel kind of left out.  What's the dog going to think of me?

Even though you think you must give the paper a story don't give me too much of a build up.  I am just thinking of what would happen if I didn't make it.  I wish I had a better picture taken but I guess if I get those wings I can have a good one taken.  I kind of wish those pictures were better.  Maybe you should give a picture to Fred Lawson I mean that small print made.  I'll not need any money too soon so put all my money into bonds and save enough to pay my expenses.  I received my watch the other day.  It sure was a quick job.  If you see my Bellows thank him for me.  I have been thinking of buying another watch to fly with because of the banging around it gets.

Well I am going to supper now.

With love

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