Tuesday, July 22, 2014

July 22, 1944

Luke Field
July 22, 1944

Dear Mother:

I have finally decided to use my little spare time in writing a letter.  Of course I could be reading the news or the new S.E.P. or studying for a gunnery exam but I won't waste the time.  You see a lot has happened since the last letter.

I sure sweat out the Flight Officer list when it came out.  Over 1/2 of the class was made F.E. against about 30% of the last class.  And as in everything else my luck held out and I made the Lt. list.  Most of my friends were made F.O. but maybe my record pulled me through. It is not too good but it is not bad.  I think my year of college and the year of R.O.T.C. had a heck of a lot to do with it.  Anyway if all goes well you can say lieutenant when I get home.

Monday we had the 200' cross country.  It was an interception problem  You flew to a point and circled till 4 hour and then took off to rendezvous at a certain point at a certain time about 65 miles away.  I had to intercept a plane flying up a railroad at right angels to my course.  In other words I had to be on time to the second.  I flew up to my first point and had about 10 mins to kill so I flew up and down a couple of canyons and washes.  one was a bout 40' deep and I flew pretty near the bottom looking up at the sides.  I then took off for my rendezvous point and buzzed the desert in between.  A couple of ladies waved when I went by their house at 3 miles a minute.  I almost did a barrel roll for them but that is dangerous and against regulations.  I ran into a range of hills and flew through them rather than around or over them.  I came out on the railroad a little early so flew down the tracks to a station to get a look at the sign and found that I was in the right place.  I then flew down behind some hills and waited for my plane to come an rout I scooted right on time, he though.  It sure was a load of fun anyway.  I wish I had more low flying scheduled.

We are now flying cross countries and some are pretty rough.  I almost got lost Wednesday.  Iran into some bad weather over the mts which comprised 1/2 the course and had the first rain fail on my for about 5 months I guess.  It is some experience to be caught in a rail squall at about 8000'.  The weather was a little rough and blew me off course a little but I found my way to my next turning point all right.  It just so happened that the trip was called off just after I left the ground but they never did catch me.

We had been having some funny weather lately.  Cool moist air form the Gulf is up over this country and made to rise by the desert and met which results in towering cumulus clouds with thunder and lightning squalls.  As a result we had rain last night and my again tonight.  you can hear the thunder and I expect the rain will come soon.  I would like to run around in it.

Now that flying is about over and I am almost sure to graduate a 2nd lt. I will need some calling cards made up.  You must know what I mean.  Pop gives them away as well as do all important people.  I guess it is a custom or something.  They should have my name with middle initial only and have Lieutenant Air Corp Army of the United States.  Please see what you can do to get me some.

I am very sorry that William is in the hospital.  I guess by now his is out.  I don't see what could be wrong with him maybe he just needs a rest anyway.  I sure would like to get stuck in a hospital for a couple of weeks in a couple of weeks. 

Here is the latest rumor from the head quarters ("poop from the group" to the army).  It is quite possible that I am about to become an instructor of single engine planes.  They have a pretty large turn over in instructors here and it is likely that the Lt's will be made instructors and the F.O.'s will fly the P63's, 47's and 51's.  That is a heck of a break especially when everyone wants to get into a hot airplane.  Well I won't kick too much for a while.

You may remember that clipping you sent to me about the B29.  It just so happens that I knew all along all that and I guess a lot more than has been released to the general public.  The two pressure compartments are not all the B29 has.  It is really equipped to withstand a beating but hand up a much heavier one.  As far as that goes these new P63's are going to make someone worry in the Pacific and it is not Tojo because he has just resigned.

Well I will have to send Mary a few more pieces for the bracelet and you a few postcards and then I can leave Phoenix.  Just think I have been here almost 8 weeks now.  How the time does fly.  Well I will now read the new S.E.P. and then go to bed.

With love
Lt. Austin

Someone just threw and broke a pillow and the feathers are all over the place.  Big laugh!!!

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