Thursday, February 6, 2014

February 6, 1944

Ryan Field
Tucson Ariz.
Feb. 6, 1944

Dear Esther:

Esther's high school graduation picture

I forgot all about your birthday until about a week ago so I couldn't send anything home.  The civilian canteen here has no cards or anything so I guess this letter on your birthday will have to do.  I should keep a stock of cards and such on hand for occasions but I have to get around to it someday and that is the trouble.  I probably never will.

We got out last night for the first time on an overnight pass but strange as it may seem I did not stay out but came back at 12:00 on the last bus.  I came on the last bus because I wouldn't stand on an earlier one and not because I hated to leave the town.  Tucson is the worst city I have been in.  The town is too crowded with officers and enlisted men from other camps.  One big B24 base just a short way from the town must send all its men in town every week-end.  You can see that if these fellows get in town ahead of you, as they do, you don't have much of a chance of getting a place to sleep or anything.  Not only that but every other man in uniform is either a naval officer or a 2nd Lt. with pilots or bombardiers wings.  What chance has an aviation cadet have in a town like that?  

We get in town rather late and that means that about all you can see is lit by lights and even so you can see a heck of a lot.  Of course you can always stay in all day Sunday and look around but I was so disgusted with things last night I came home.  You can go in again but the bus leaves every 3 hours and you have to be awake to get on and as I have been sleeping most of the day I could hardly make the bus.  I am glad now because it is raining very hard now and there is nothing to do in town in such weather.  So I am sitting listening to the radio and helping the civilian morale.  I don't know but what there is something in it after all. 

Well "happy birthday" to you and all that.  I don't know how old you are and I suppose if I hazard a guess I might embarrass myself or maybe you.  Anyway I guess that doesn't matter much.

I guess everyone is remembering my birthday coming up soon and I am sorry I couldn't have remembered yours a little earlier.  The next time such a thing happens I hope I am a little ahead of whats next.

Well I must close now and listen to Jack Benny.  I can't concentrate with all his noise.

Video of Jack Benny and Groucho Marx

With love

{And just for fun, more pictures of Great-Aunt Esther through the years!}

Cute baby girl!
Cute as a button

A Single Working Woman

Always helping!

Her Wedding Day
All the siblings together!

Esther and Pat

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