Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 25, 1944

Ryan Field
Tucson Ariz.
Feb 25, 1944

Dear Mother:

I am going to try to dash you off a letter in what remains of a half hour.  I am trying to write in bed before lights out so try to decipher it the best you can.

I have got a bad cold and in between barks I will see what I can do.  I don't dare go to the dispensary because once they get you in that door you have a heck of a time to get out.  I can't afford to lose any time now because I have closet to 50 hours and the check rides start agin.  Also if I lose any time right now I am pretty sure of being left here another month.  That can't happen because things are running along pretty smoothly now.

 By the way I am sure of staying for the rest of my training out here in the west.  You see I have a fair chance of getting all the way through now that is unless something comes up we don't anticipate.  Therefore start saving your money so you can see me get my wings if I get them.  I guess that I am looking quite a way ahead but today I feel pretty good about my flying.

No much exciting happens around here.  I guess I wrote about the Corsair that came in for last weekend.  The pilot was a Marine Captain and the brother of one of the cadets here.  That kid sure had a swell time strutting around with his brother.  We all had a good look at the plane and you can bet we were all thrilled to get so close to such a plane.  All the instructors seemed to have the look as if they wished they could be flying Corsairs instead of teaching dumb cadets the fundamentals.  I guess everyone wants to join the Navy and fly Corsairs now.

We have a few mishaps around here such as broken "props" etc. but nothing else happens.  The lower class is not yet soloed out and so things are quiet at that end of the field.  Some of our boys still ground loop.  But not many of them.  Cross wind landings is what kept me from soloing in 6 hours and I think I have now caught on to them that they will never screw me up again.  I have at least accomplished that.

My bunk mate is leaving tomorrow for the A.T.C.  He washed out because of dangerous flying and for other reasons we don't know.  I am sure going to miss him.  We have had a lot of fun together.  He is from Kentucky and isn't much of a hillbilly.  He had a tough break.  I must stop now.

With love

Have you received your box?

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