Friday, February 21, 2014

February 21, 1944

Ryan Field
Tucson Ariz.
Feb. 21, 1944

Dear Mother;

I will answer your questions first because the two sheets of paper here are all I have.  

Yes the Independent comes along very regularly and I don't believe I have ever missed a number since the days of classification.  If one comes a little late because of a new address I usually get two at a time. Right now it comes on Thursday or Friday or somewhere in there.  I don't know just what day it is but it is regular.  I get quite a kick out of it so keep it coming.

By the way my address is a little bit wrong but the difference really makes little difference.  Everyone always put 44 Group on the address and it really is 44G.  It means class 44G, Graduation in 1944 on G month (July).  They only have 2 groups here that's why the address mistake makes little or no difference.  Another thing tell A.P. to put my whole address on the letters because his last letter came through all stamped up for me to tell my correspondents my correct address.  It might save a day of time.

I will try to get a card to send to Miss Worthen.  I don't know just what I can say on a card but  Iwill think of something appropriate (the right thing).  By the way you better keep up the good work of being my private secretary.  I don't get time to remember all the people I should remember.  

I am glad to hear that Mary is having a lot of fun.  I guess if she gets the chance that she can have a lot of fun at the place she works.  Every once in a while I think of her when I look at the dials as they spin around in front of me.  Do any of the dials say Pioneer on them that she paints or what do they have on them to identify them?

I will say a little about my present flying.  We are doing acrobatics.  You start with a loop, then a snap roll, then a slow roll, then a half roll.  Then an Immelmann turn {See this original training video of a P-47 with thrilling music}.  We do lazy 8's and chandelles still but not as much as before .  I make myself sick up there alone.  I climb to 6600' indicated and do a loop, then a snap roll to the right then a snap roll to the left then a slow roll to the left and a slow roll to the right, then a half roll to the left and recover to the right then a half roll to the right and recover to the left, then an Immelmann turn.  After that I am airsick and have to fly straight and level for a while.  It's a lot of fun anyway. (no more paper)
With love

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