Thursday, November 28, 2013

November 28, 1943

Nov 28 1943

Dear Mother;

A lot has happened since I wrote last.  Thursday was thanksgiving and we went to the beach for gunnery and the swimming tests.  We swam in the morning and went to the range in the afternoon.  You can bet that the water was very cold and we nearly froze to death.  I took the advance swim test and passed it.

It consisted of a 250 yd swim 1/3 back stroke 1/3 side stroke 1/3 breast stroke.  We then swam 45" under water, made 3 jumps from a 11" tower 1st at attention 2nd with a barracks bag so we could float and finally with a life preserver.  We then put on a suit of clothes (Better than the ones they issue) swam 100' took off the pants blew them up and floated back to shore.  We then blew up the shirt and floated with it.  It was a lot of fun except that is was much too cold for comfort.

We had coffee and sandwiches for dinner and left for the range.  It is constructed so that you shoot off over the ocean and many of the slags skip over the sand into the ocean.  The land is patrolled by blimps run by the Navy and the Coast Guard runs a cutter out 2 miles or so just out of range to keep small craft out of the area.  We first shot the 45 cal pistol for record.  Next we went to the machine gun range and shot 250 rounds at moving targets.  These were aircraft 30 cal. machine guns, the kind they used on all the early airplanes.  The machine gun was the most fun.  We next went and shot the Thompson submachine gun and finished with the 22 cal. rifle leading targets.  We had 50 shots.  Tell Pop that is where all the 22 shots are going; teaching us to hit a moving target.  The range was the best part of the training so far.

We came home to a wonderful turkey dinner.  What a meal. Mash potatoes, gravy, vegetable, turkey, vegetable, ice cream, nuts, candy, turkey dressing and everything.  I am sending a menu of the dinner which everyone got. (in a magazine that is coming)  I only wish that I was home for dinner rather than so far away.

Saturday I got out again and went to Hollywood to see Cousin Emma and "Cousin Will".  They are really very hospitable people and made me feel very much at home, so much so in fact that I didn't want to leave.  Their son Robert was still home from Peru and was headed for O.C.S.  They have a very nice little house with all kinds of fruit trees in the back yard.  Orange tree, fig trees, pear trees and a tomato plant that has been bearing for 2 1/2 years.  I am going to send home a pinecone they picked up in the mts. to burn in the fireplace.  Not only do the have what we have at home but the size will amaze you.  I am trying to find a box to fit it.  I will send it as soon as possible because it takes up too much space.

Thanks for the cake.  It was delicious and I happened to open it after chow when no one was hungry so I got all I wanted.  It was very good.

Tell Pop that the code is coming along but is beginning to slow up because I have hit my maximum for awhile.  If I can pass this 8 word check I have passed the course and got to the point where high speeds will be easier.

We are getting very well fed now and I begin to worry about the folks at home.  Rationing must be plenty tough now.

I have not had too many gigs since I have been here.  Things are getting tougher and you have to be more careful each day.  However our section took second place in the 3rd wing and we are very proud of the fact.

Well I am going to bed now.  I will answer Williams current letter as soon as possible.

With love

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