Sunday, May 24, 2015

May 24, 1945

May 24, 1945

Dear A.P.

I neglect you too much considering the interesting letters you write so I shall answer one of them for a change.  Your letters like the Independent arrive every week and I miss them if they don't show up onto.  Please don't forget because it also will upset my routine.

I am glad to hear that Real Estate is making you so busy and apparently happy.  I guess like me, you too have averted to a war job which appeals and gives experience along a line which can be used to further an better, maybe, our post war occupations.  Your Real Estate experience may be just the thing to make you more successful building and my flying may be what I need to give me the job I will need after this is over.  We both seem to be happy which is also a good way to sweat out a war.

I am sorry to hear that the civilian radio broadcasting may be cut out.  However it may have been the incentive to further study and a real "ham" license.  I am sure that radio will have a place for me when I get home, either in the form of a ground station or maybe a small set in a plane of my own.  On airplane with a radio is most convenient and I almost believe that without one I would be lost.  We have so many in our plane that flying with none at all would leave me a little lost.

So you have an office girl who seems to know what she is doing.  She must also be rather interested in her work or I am sure she wouldn't satisfy you so readily, I have worked for you and know.  I wasn't too ready to cooperate at times and I guess it wasn't very hard to see that my thoughts were other places than on a plumb bob or a steel tape.  I would term Virginia in Army lingo as "eager".  We call some people "Eager Beavers" and some people who don't like their jobs have contempt for such people but I say more power to her.  Say, "hello", to her for me.

B17 nose

B17 nose after the war

To be able to fly a B17 looked like an impossible feat for me a couple of years ago but right now I believe it is no harder than driving a truck, and the similarities are many.  Of course you are in an element which makes improper operation dangerous but to any truck driver who can drive without accident, I say let him get the training and he too can sprout Silver Wings.

I would love to send a picture of a B17 to you if I can find a good one.  They are rather hard to find in a pose that shows off their beauty, and they are beautiful.  Like women they are beautiful when they have got smooth sailing but ugly as heck when twisted the wrong way.  Never push either too hard or sooner or later they explode in your face and it gets embarrassing what happens then.

I don't suppose I have to give you a lecture on B17s, but after all I have said about the crates I still have deep admiration for them.  There is not a ship in the world which can take all they can and still return home in condition, maybe for a crash landing but at least return home with a live crew.  All the other ships you can name go down and are lost to the war effort but the 17 can almost always be flown again.  That is why I hope they don't send me over in anything else.  Flying a 17 is life insurance I don't want to pass up if I can help it.

Since V.E. day my outlook at college has taken a turn for the better.  I must admit that before VE day I had no idea of going back to school partly because the realization of such a thing was so remote and out of this world.  I had the idea of being a professional soldier or a tramp or just anything which would take my worries and responsibility away.  I was looking for the easiest way to live I guess but right now I think that maybe college will turn out to be what I want.  It will be nice and quiet and lacking in hair raising excitement.  I will again be just another one and I believe that will just suit me fine for 4 years.  I may be bragging about my job but I still think that they are trying to make a man out of a kid and the responsibility is too much.  However I will bear up just to prove that I can to myself because after all is said and done I have to live with myself.  So long for now.

With love

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