Friday, April 24, 2015

April 24, 1945

April 24

Dear Mother:

I haven't got anything else to do so I will write a letter.  Nothing to do tomorrow so I can stay up all night.

I was very much at a loss as to Harold V. latest misfortune.  I might say that I lost all faith in women for the time being at least.  I had the opinion that he was very happy and that there was to be an addition to the family. I thought the Varny's would be happy having another grandchild but as it stands they must feel very sorry and rather unhappy about the whole affair.  I am a little disappointed in Harold because I thought he had a little better sense than to jump into something he couldn't finish.  However maybe everything is turning out for the best.  I really don't see any special way to avoid such situations since you usually don't use your head when falling in love (I am told).  Maybe there is more to the story than has come out.

I am rather lax in writing to people I should.  I haven't written to the Suleys lately or to the Schmales or Blaisdell's or anyone.  It seems that when I get a chance to write anyone it is usually someone at home that gets a letter.  I should write Betty also but I just don't think of it in time.  I may do it tonight but if not you can tell her the next time you see her that I am thinking of her.  Also give her the old line that I am busy.  It's always good for a stall for awhile longer anyway.

They had an accident down on the line which was not serious but could have been.  A man loaded his station in the ball turret and then proceeded to time the solenoid on the gun and consequently fired 14 wild shots.  They struck the runway and ricocheted into the wing and ratio room of another ship.  The other ship had two men in the radio room and they got grey hair as the slugs went through.  It tore up the ship a little and cause quite a disturbance on the field when the news got around.  It just makes you feel a little more strongly that those pretty little shells really can do a lot of damage.

I hate to admit it but I have been wagering my nickels and dimes against the one "arm bandits" in the club.  To date I am aprox. $3 ahead of the game.  I have put in one dime and one nickel a day and have been getting all my luxuries at the machine's expense.  It can't last long but my luck has just run with me.  The money just seems to run out at my bid and call.  This is probably putting me in a position to lose my shirt any one of these days.

I wish I didn't have money around because people come and want to borrow money.  My pilot borrowed $20 and the navigator the same.  Also a friend has $20 so come around pay day I will be rich again. This month I will again send home about $150 so at the rate I am going I will have a small bankroll when I get home.  I guess you were rather surprised when I sent all of $400 home.  I only wish I had some way to put it to work so it could make more money then I would really be in big business.  With the education the government promises us after the war I guess I can become a play boy for a couple years and spend it all but I guess I can't really because I was brought up too well for that.  I guess I don't regret my good bringing up when I see the fellows around here who are broke all the time.  They will be the ones after this thing is over who will look to the country for a job.  Maybe it is like the ant and the grasshopper and I hope I shan't be left out in the cold.


I have been reading about the chances of civilian aviation becoming a big thing in the future.  A great many of the experts believe that it is a thing of the future and something not to be overlooked.  Too many people are two dimensional and have no idea what the 3rd dimension, up, has to offer.  I am sure that with a commercial license I could find a lot of fun or maybe a good occupation in flying.  I have my eye on a job but I need 4 years of college for the job and also a few breaks.  If private flying doesn't get too big before I get my 4 years of college I am sure I can talk someone into giving me a job.  An airline pilot put the gun in my ear and if I was good enough for him now I will be good enough for me when private aviation gets going.  I also believe my present experience meeting people and handling men will help a lot.  Maybe I am getting more form this training than I thought at first.

I just seem to ramble along and not say much.  I guess I never write about my troubles but I am getting a little hard boiled.  One of my men got a little out of line and he is getting company punishment for his little oversights.  Could have prevented this getting the 104th article of war but he has just taken one step too many in the wrong way and something had to be done.  I got a little tired of trying to set him on the right road.  Now he will have to stay on the post and not see his wife for a week.  I feel rather sorry for his wife and kids but after all I am now in the position to pass the buck to someone else and it was either her or I and I enjoy leisure enough to guard it a little.

Well I will have to quit for a while.  I am a little tired and it is 2300, time to hit the sack.

With love

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