Saturday, September 20, 2014

September 20, 1944

Luke Field
Sept. 20, 1944

Dear Mother:

Luke field is again my stomping grounds and I might say I am none too pleased.  I might just as well be a poor civilian as to be what I am now.  We are again back on the 9 and 2 schedule which completely ruins the day if you have other formations to meet.  Each meeting they give out details and I got one today for next Sat.  I and 6 others will make an inventory of the PX Saturday night and Sunday morning. 

Now of all the times for an inventory they picked the best.  In the past they have been on Wednesdays and during the day but now they want us to do it on the one night a week we have free and the only morning we have to sleep.  It was a job formally done by the civilians but is now done by 2nd Lts's for whom because of an oversight by higher ups, they have no flying jobs.  2nd Lts are now taking over jobs formerly done by W.A.C pvts and feather merchants.  Boy if that isn't a case what is?

I'm not the only one dissatisfied with the way things go because there are 60 of us doing jobs done before by W.A.C.'s and non-commissioned ground personnel.  It sure makes you feel swell to know that you are ready to do something worth while in the war effort by be sidetracked into a grounded job even while they are screaming for replacements in the theater of operations.  It sure makes you feel good to see brand new P51's, P47's and P38's leans on this field ferried by WASPS while qualified Army pilots fight to get a mere 4 hours a month just so they can collect their flying pay and each one would give his leg to just have a chance to fly a P51.  Somewhere someone fumbled the ball and we at the bottom are the ones on the short end.  But I am resigned to my fate and will hold out to the end.

I forgot all about Mrs. Week's dollar.  You can send it along right away if you wish.  Please have her put her name on it so I won't send it in an odd moment.  Please don't encourage too many people to send money as I will have no place for it.

Well if that box is ready you may as well send it.  I guess I am here for a few more weeks and even if not I guess it will catch up with me.  Maybe if you send it they will decide to send me somewhere else.  It will be time to wear winter clothes in Arizona in 2 mos but next month they put them on in Calif so I guess the sooner I have them the better it will be.  I hope the shirts fit all right.  I don't think I have changed much since I left.

I have sent Mary a birthday gift and it should arrive long before this letter but if it has not please write me.  It was sent Air Mail form the store.  You know I had no idea what she could want.  She seems so self sufficient that I imagined she had most all she wanted.  Anyway I kind of thought that what I sent would go good with her nightlife at school.  Now please don't have to write and say it's not there because what I have just written may create a wrong impression.

I will have to close and go to supper.  Erma Blaisdell is a lot better and expected to have none of the ill effects of her malady.

With love

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