Friday, September 19, 2014

September 19, 1944

This is written in a big hurry

Dear Esther:

I got your letter yesterday and I might say that it was unexpected.  I already had a couple of letter in the morning mail and then this one.  You see it was not that I didn't expect it but that it came in an unexpected time.

It seems that Betty is having a lot of trouble with all her family.  If I remember correctly the "refugee" was a little shy but she seemed friendly enough when I left.  I guess maybe I frightened her.  Well I guess she will get used to having strangers around if she is one of Betty's children.

So Harold was home lately.  I'll bet William was especially glad to see him.  William must miss having friends his own age around.  If what Mother said about Harold was true I guess the loosing 10 lbs didn't hurt him physically but maybe some mentally.  I guess I gained a lot more than I lost. I think I put on about 20 lbs but am slowly losing it because of the lack of activity.  However while at G.B. the last weeks I gained a couple of pounds.  Maybe the Army doesn't go wrong when they allow some fellows to take A/C training and disqualifies others for reasons mental and physical.

As for his record of not getting a gig I would say he has done well.  Maybe that is the trouble, he worked too hard trying to get and stay on the ball that he has missed a lot of the training down there that you don't get form the books.  I hope Harold doesn't have to go back to the G.I's because he will hate it after the way he has been treated lately.  I don't think he really wants to go back without that commission no matter what he says.

I was just thinking that maybe you had better not write anymore letter or company time because you might get fired but then I might not get a letter if you didn't.  I guess you are indispensable so you just go ahead and write all the letters you want to me on company time.

You know I think Mother is worried about me.  She asked in a letter today what kind of a girl would stay out all night with a strange fellow?  Well I don't know what kind of a girl she was if they can be classified but I see no harm in living at night rather than during the day.  After all you can meet a girl at 9:00 in the morning and stay all day and not create any talk.  Well you can assure her that that was the first and last time because I enjoy my sack time too much to waste it at dances at 4:00 in the  morning and on hard bony old nags which riding schools call horses.  I have had enough of that.

I realize Mary has a birthday soon and it will probably be by when you get this letter but I will try to do something.  I have no idea what I shall get but I am going to town today and will find something nice for her.

I am so glad to hear that she is going to school this fall.  I only hope she has found what she wants.  If she ever needs any money please write and I am sure I can send a gift along that may help her out a little.

Will I must close now and go to dinner.  I am very hungry because I had only a 10 cent breakfast.

With love

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