Thursday, May 22, 2014

May 22, 1944

Hello again!!!

Well here is another set of cards to let you know about the country.  This set is not quite as good as some of the others but the selection was rather poor.  You may be able to get an idea of the desert around here.  I have never seen any Calif. poppies in my travels but the card is rather nice anyway. 

What do you think of this character?  This is somewhat different from the card before.  Maybe you think that deserts have lots of such things but the only wild thing I have seen is a lizard we saw from a train and a jack rabbit we caught on bivouac.  As for snakes they must have gotten tired of hearing BT 13 A's and took off to the mts.

Scotty's Castle of death valley is a well known landmark in Death Valley.  We flew about 40 miles from it when on our second x-country.  Scotty is a well known personage all over the country .  He made his money on Borax O or something and built this castle.  He was originally a prospector who found mountains of gold but could never locate them again.  I guess the heat got him.

Maybe you have head of Red Rock Canyon.  I never had so I guess anything I could say about it would be stretching the truth.  Dad has been to Calif. so maybe he knows.  I have never seen such a rock formation while here even though I have portably flown over them.  The terrain around here looks a lot like this because of the heavy rains and washes they have in the spring.

This is the main "drag" in the "fair" town of Lancaster.  The road that goes left and right is really the main road that goes to L.A. (74 mi) Palmdale Rosemond and Mojave (see sign part).  On the left is the main vegetable store and the right the center of night life (the drug store). In the farthest back ground you can see the mts. that surround Antelope Valley.  I guess when 500 cadets hit this town the people are almost out numbered.  That's all about the town, there ain't no more.


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