Wednesday, May 21, 2014

May 21, 1944

War Eagle Field
May 21, 1944

Dear Mother:

This is Sunday and a wonderful day to relax and have fun.  Flying is over and all is peace with the world.  Today I am relaxing and enjoying life where I can find it because next Sunday I will be in Arizona again and all will not be so well.

I am now laying in the sun in my swimming trunks, having just come out of the swimming pool.  The water is rather cold but not bad at all.  I guess it is a lot warmer than anything you have.  I get quite a kick out of swimming here because this is one of the few outdoor pools I have been in.  They have a swell board and everything.  It is quite a layout.  After getting through basic I guess it wasn't so tough after all.  At least we have had this pool for the last couple of weeks.

I got both your letters yesterday and did not get time to read them until I decided I couldn't make the last bus to L.A.  I was going in but couldn't get my cleaning so had to iron an old shirt I do not like the looks of.  It had been in the bottom of my barracks ever since Santa Ana.  You can guess what it looked like.  I put a iron mark on the back but I don't show too well.  I also had to sew on a patch (Air Corp) on the sleeve so by that time it was too late.  Well I went to Lancaster and had a nice T Bone steak for dinner and went to the movies.  I tried to straighten out my locker when I got back but have made very little headway.  I am trying to get that box of odds and ends together to send home so don't expect that box too soon.  It will probably get off the last minute which will be next Wednesday some time.

Your description of what the surrounds are becoming make me rather homesick.  I wish I could see the apple blossoms and all.  I used to like apple blossoms especially when they just begin to fall and the air seems to be just full of them.  Out here you notice a very pleasant smell when you are driving along the roads, orange trees in bloom.  They really have a wonderful smell.  I think most everyone would like them especially when whole groves at a time blossom and have that sweet smell.
Orange grove in So. Cal.

I guess you have become a coordinator of internal affairs at home.  You seem to be the go between the home front and the fighting front (what a laugh).  I have survived the battle of Santa Ana; the battle of primary, the battle of basic and one more to go.  I hope I get over the last ditch.  I can just imagine a bulletin board in the office (kitchen) with all current notices posted.  Anyway you keep me well posted.

I guess William ought to meet some new girls.  If he were in the Army he would meet more than enough.  I guess Harold Varny is a good sample of what happens.  He used to see that girl every Sunday as long as I was with him in St. Luis.  I never did get to meet her even though he said I was welcome to come out.  We never go to town at the same time.

I saw Albeins picture in the paper.  It sure was a pretty good one of him.  I see he is in England doing some sort of electrical work.  I guess he will be in on the big deal over there.  I guess they intend to make electricians out of bakers until the big blow is over.  I guess it will all be over in a couple of months (we hope)

I am going to dinner

With love

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