Thursday, August 8, 2013

August 8, 1943

Dear A.P.

I started to write this letter at 13:00 but I was called out to walk "tours".  In case you don't know what I mean and in case the others don't know I will tell you.  Each day we get an inspection, physical and other wise.  If you don't quite live up to expectations you get a gig.  If you get 8 gigs you are a free man but 9 means that you must walk an hour to get rid of it.  If you get 12 or more you walk 2 hours for a gig.  When you get 14 like I did it means you walk 7 hours.  I spent all my free time Saturday and 3 hours today walking them off.  It isn't too hard but it's just monotonous.

The place we walk them off at used to be a pretty good field but now it has a series of parallel paths made by we poor sinners.  We were what you call "off the ball" or "behind the 8 ball".

As yet I haven't had time to find out if there is a Davis on the staff here.  I don't know just how I shall go about finding out unless I do some inquiring next weekend.  I won't have time to do much questioning until then.  I sure would like to meet the gent.  I might get a chance to make some headway around here, maybe see some things I couldn't otherwise.

I wish I could be home on the farm working with the tractor.  It would be a lot more pleasant than some of the things we do.  Our drilling is no farce.  We really drill and the upper class men see to it that we do it properly.  Some people think top Sgts are tough, well they haven't seen any of these Cadet Lts.

I would like to see some pictures of the potatoes.  They must be some sight.  I have never seen as many potatoes as you have.  They must keep you rather busy.  I suppose the tractor is a lot of help when it goes but it seems that you should have trouble with it.

I like Bill Cunningham's articles so when you see the good ones send them along so I can read them.  He is a very clever writer and really put the point across.  He may not be the best writer but he appeals to a lot of people and I am one of them.

As you can see most of my letters are written on Saturday and Sunday.  I have other free periods of course but they are taken up.  I have written 2 letters today already and I want to write another one to Jenny.  Mother's letter will have to come later this week.

I may be able to send some pictures home but you keep looking for the film.  One of the few Mass. boys has some film and no camera.  I may be able to buy some from him.  I can then get them developed and send home a few.  I can't send any home of formations but I can send pictures of my friends and me in uniforms.  You will probably get a kick out of them.  By the way I have grown most of my hair back.  I no longer have an Air Corps clip.

With Love


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