Wednesday, January 29, 2014

January 29, 1944

Ryan Field
Tucson, Ariz.
Jan 29, 1944

Dear Mother:

I guess it is about time for your letter so here it is.  I received about 2 of your letters for every one I write so I guess that the oftener I write the better.  This is Saturday night and the mumps still are supposed to be around so we are again confined to the post.

I guess you all got the day letter I sent yesterday.  I sent it from town.  We had been in to a Y.M.C.A. where we had the run of the place for nothing.  We swam in the pool for a while then went into the game room and played with the pool tables.  You see we were all given special passes good from 18:30 to 21:30. After coming out of the "Y" I figured it would be a good time to send the message.

Yes I soloed yesterday.  You may think that sounds wonderful but in reality it was no different from the first time I drove the car alone.  I had been making pretty good landings most of the day so he let me go alone.  The trouble with my landings up till then were that I was getting tense when he wanted me relaxed.  You see a plane does not glide right and you have to keep several things on your mind at one time which you cannot do and remain glued to the controls the way I was.  So all the way around he harped on the point of relaxing.  Then he said that I would do the next one alone.  Well that was quite a shock and when he got out and that long nose tuck up in front of me I wondered just what I was getting into.  Well as you see I wasn't killed or even damaged in fact made 3 pretty fair landings. Boy was I happy!!!!

Then I came back to the barracks and there I found a note from the mail orderly that I had a package at the post office.  Of course I knew what it was and ran helter skelter for the mail room.  It's too bad you were afraid it wouldn't suit me because it is just what I would have picked out.  It really is a beauty.  When you wrote that you didn't know if I would like it that night I dreamt of something grotesque that I would be afraid to show off.  When I really saw it I was all smiles.  That should be explanation enough.

Then the 3 hour pass came through and that was the touch off of a perfect day.  We really saw a lot of Tucson and did a lot in a short time.  You can't imagine how happy I was.  Just a change of scenery was all we needed and you can bet we made the most of it.  Well this is Saturday and we don't get out till next Saturday again.

I never answer your questions but one come to mind now.  I really need a sewing kit.  My G.I. outfit is slowly losing buttons and the Air Corp patches are loosing up so if you get a kit remember this; get thread that suits Air Corp colors.  Blue and white are the colors used most often but have plenty of brown (you know khaki) and sun-tan.  I have some black and some white so be sure you get the shades of brown.  I have needles and pins but send more along if you want and can sore them; however I don't really need them.

I never told you who I run around with .  My bunk mate is a fellow from Kentucky and we have a swell time arguing the Civil War all over again.  All the fellows are Southern except one who is from Lawrence, Mass.  He came from the G.I. Army and has been in some time longer than most of us.  This fellow is rather easy going and is rather mild like I am so we get a long very well.  He and I are going to have a lot of fun when we get out.  Right now his mind is occupied with girl-friends at home troubles.  Seems some 2nd Lt. is trying to steal his girl and has written some rather bad things to her about him.

Well I will have to close now and go take a steam bath, have a water fight, shave and then go to bed.

With love.

Am still happiest Cadet.


  1. This was a great post! I like how he talks about himself as easy going and mild. That's how I think of myself and had a conversation to that effect with a friend today. I bet I would have gotten along with him and appreciated his sense of fun.

  2. He was fun enough as a grandpa, I think it would have been a lot of fun to know him as a young man!
