Thursday, January 2, 2014

January 2, 1944

Santa Ana Army Air Base
Jan. 2, 1944

Dear Mother:

Well I have been sitting around eating nuts and other people's fruit cake and in general making a pig of myself.  But that was getting me no where so I decided to catch up on the correspondence.  So to the music of the Los Angeles Symphony Orchestra coming over a nearby radio I will tell you about a very uneventful weekend.  We couldn't get out too early so I decided not to go to Cousin Emma's.  I really should have but I didn't think I had the time.  As it was I had more than enough time.  I got as far as Los Angeles and went to several movies.  I went to the Cadet Service Center and the Officer and Cadet Club.  Both places really make you comfortable and glad that such organizations are around.

California is the most expensive state I have been in.  The Servicemen gets none of the privileges extended to him as in other cities.  I don't mean that there are not organizations interested in our welfare such as the Officer and Cadet Club, the U.S.O. or the C.S.O. but that they have to pay full price for everything.  For example in the P.X. you pay considerable more for ice cream and fountain service than we did in Missouri.  The jewelry and that fellows always like to send home always cost more than in other P.W.'s.  Outside of camp you get no consideration.  In Chicago you get free transportation and half price on theater tickets and in general they make a trip to town very inexpensive.  In St. Louis we could get free meals but not here.  Oh well we do get pretty good pay don't we so money shouldn't bother us.

We got paid the other day.  I get $105 a month now you know but minus deductions I have about $42.98, some drop.  When I was a hick private I used to get $50 a month and still have $40 when deductions were taken out.  Oh well, that's a $3 raise.  But then to be an aviation cadet is an honor.  I'm not kicking because I have more than enough money to do me.

We are sure of being shipped this week but keep on writing because all my mail will be forwarded.  We are going to stay here in Calif. or go to Arizona.  I have little telling in the matter.  It would be swell to stay where I can come and see Cousin Emma but if we leave the coast we will be sure to fly. (My bunkmate just came back with $47 he had just won playing cards.)  It will be another state that I have been in.

If you are having trouble reading this letter it is because I am writing it on bed and on my stomach.  I keep putting down mistakes and writing up and down hill.  This seems a hard way to write letter but it is really comfortable even though the results aren't readable.

I think I will need some more of those eye drops.  I think I am beginning to have trouble again.  They are not very bad but the drops can't do any harm. I will send the old box along if you can't get the prescription filled some way.

By the way does anyone have an extra shoe ration coupon.  If you have one that you are sure no one will use please send it because it will help my morale.  It would be swell to get a pair of military low cut shoes even though I don't really need them.  We can't get the coupons here on the base.

How I would like to get home.  I suppose if I should get home I would have to shovel snow but just the same I would enjoy it.  But I am so far from home.  I am now beginning to realize how far it is.  When you tell about Lt. Sewards' 10 day leave it looks like I will spend my leave on the railroads.

With love

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