Monday, October 12, 2015

October 12, 1945

Brooks Field
Oct. 12, 1945

Dear Mother:

I guess you wonder why the long silence do you not?  Well I know of no good reason except that I have been occupied by a number of things of late.

First I have found something to do in my spare time; in fact it takes up all my time.  They have a "Hobby Shop" here where you can make all kinds of things from wood or metal or plastic.  As yet I haven't found anything special to make but have just dubbed around.  They have all the tools but none of the mechanical equipment.   They do have electrical had drills and a portable sander and the rest is makeshift.  So the other day I set myself up a lathe and spent the day making screwy designs of no value.

Then I spent a day putting my leave through which is scheduled for the 23rd.  If all goes well I will be home by the 24th on the American Airlines.  It is to be for 10 days leave and 7 days travel time but seeing I am going on the Airlines I will really have 15 days leave and 2 days travel time which is a better deal.  The reason I am coming so late is because the Airlines to Dallas are so crowded they couldn't make space for more than 2 weeks.  But don't worry I will get there soon.

Tuesday nights are always boxing night in town.  Going to the matches is another way we spend time and money.  Some of the fights are really good and the crowd is really thirsty for blood.  They are really thrilling and they draw huge crowds.

Then on Wednesday night we go to the wrestling matches which are more fun than boxing.  Ask A.P. about them and I guess he can tell you about them.  Every one but some of these stupid Mexicans knows the thing is cut and dry and is just a big show before things start but they are really fun.  Some of the characters they get out in the ring are just plain funny to look at.  Even though they look like they are pounding each other to death and tearing each others arms and legs off, they way they walk away from the ring, is sufficient proof of few injuries.  They throw each other around but do little damage and get the most applause when they both start in on the referee.  Anyway it is fun.

Then on Sunday it is the Jalopy Races.  Everyone who has a car that has been smashed up but will still go around a gravel pit track they have, gets said heap and enters in the races.  They too are a lot of fun to watch.  Cars get run into ponds, over banks, into mud holes and tipped over, which leads to the thrills of a lifetime.  

So if you are smart and want to have peace in the family you had better get my clothes out of moth balls and get them cleaned and pressed.  It must be cold up there because it is getting cool here and we can wear winter clothes any time.  I am going to bring home all the summer things I have because I doubt if I will ever need them again in the Army.

Well this is the last of the paper.  I will have to buy some more tomorrow.

With love 

PS Oh yes we moved to the other end of the field yesterday and may have a change in address soon.

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