Saturday, September 12, 2015

September 12, 1945

Sept. 12, 1945

Dear A.P.

I guess you have read Mother's letter so you know what happened on my end of the trip deal.  I am awful sorry it ended that way and wish I could redeem myself some way but now it is too late.   I hope next time I will know enough to make better arrangements before hand.

I guess maybe I am running around with this one dame a little too much but I am getting tired of it.  You ought to know what I mean.  So now I have met a girl in San Antonio who is just the opposite of the one in Austin.  She is 19 years old but acts about 13 at times or about 26, all according to how she is dressed.  When she is dressed to go out she can be just as sophisticated as anyone.  But when she is just slumming around she just does anything that comes into her head.  Anyway she is a heck of a lot of fun and very inexpensive, she brings her own entertainment.  I guess I would rather make a lot of women happy than one unhappy.

Gee, I sure was glad to see those pictures.  It kind of makes me feel that I didn't lose out all together on the trip.  Pictures are always a good way to describe a trip or as a reminder of a vacation.  I only wish I could have been there.  The cabin in the pines down by the lake sure looks like a fun place to stay for awhile.  One of the pictures was taken at a picnic.  Just what was Mother trying to hide?  Tell Dot I am sure it was she by the big feet and who else would Bill be leaning on?

I am glad Bill is going back to school.  I only wish he could find someplace away from home but in his case it is a little different but still it could be a lot better.  I guess he will have to get to studying again and I can't say that I blame him.  It looks to me that Esther and I will have to support the others while they get their education unless they have 

*missing page*

end of the war means to you in Real Estate or Building.  The government is most surely going to ease up on civilian priorities and I suppose housing will be going strong in the not too far future.  So what do you plan to do, stay in Real Estate and dabble in Housing or vice versa?  Either game has a future and the possibilities of a good living  Maybe you can let your partner run the Real Estate end while you concentrate on the construction end.  In that way you might really be able to retire some day.

Well our future here at Randolph is rather uncertain.  Seeing I am in H category and they are releasing A B C D E I guess I have some time yet to sweat it out.  We get our flying time in and not much extra.  We have no way of getting released any sooner than by the normal process.  We may get on orders to a separation center tomorrow and it may also be 6 mos or more before they even post a notice.  Seeing schools have already started I can wait 6 most but I am getting tired of doing nothing. When you have nothing to do it is hard to save money and I am really trying believe it or not.  I have saved $400 and seeing Mother is not coming I shall send it home.  I hope nothing comes up where I need money or you will hear from me.

Well take care of yourself and give me some advice on the woman.

With love

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