Randolph Field
Sept. 15, 1945
Dear Mother:
I am a little short on letter writing time at present but I have 2 money orders here to go so I guess I had better send them while I still have them.
Pop paid 1/2 of my income tax and so will want about $65.50 from you so I guess you had better give it up. I had hoped to put off sending in the tax money until the end of the year but it is just as well now since they will be after me for it sooner or later anyway. I may as well pay for this war as long as I have the money. I am certainly getting more for my money than I am spending.
Here is some hot news. When you receive this letter I will no longer be a member of Randolph Field. We are shipping across town to Brooks Field so we will still be in S.A. We have been hearing all kinds of rumors about shipping out and most of them were morale killers. Everyone thought we were headed for the sands of N.M. again or maybe North Texas. As it stands now we are still in civilized territory if you can say that of Texas.
As for the money you can pay Pop and put the rest in the bank or any place suitable. I don't think I want War Bonds because they are hard to get a hold of in a hurry just in case I see something I want. I could sure use a good car.
I sent Mary a birthday present which should get there on time. Please give me your opinion of it and be very frank. I looked around a lot and just couldn't find anything that she might like. Maybe I am a little too choosy but any way it has gone now and I hope it is fitting of the occasion.
Well I met a girl in San Antone. Maybe you read Pop's letter or he told you. She is a little younger than Mary and rather nice looking with Mary's freckles. She seems rather proud of them too and I might say that freckles never hurt anyone's appearance. Anne Roberts is her name and she comes from Wausau Wisc. Her dad is a lumber and paper man; you see I am almost a member of the family. She is a swell kid and more fun than a barrel of monkeys, and very inexpensive. But never you fear, Mother dear, it is not the real thing and I will still come home single, I hope. It is too bad you don't get to see these lovely creatures I get on the string so you could give me some advice. I could really use some at times and all I have is a roommate but what does he know about women.
Well I will write again soon from Brooks Field and give you my new address. We report there on the 17th before 23:59
With love