Sunday, August 16, 2015

August 16, 1945

Aug 16, 1945

Dear Mother:

I don't have much on my mind so don't be surprised if this is a short letter.  I will just write until I run out of words and that will be the end.

Tuesday night about 1930 we got that news that Japan had accepted our terms.  Just what those terms are or how they will affect me is beyond my knowledge but everyone seems to think that it calls for a celebration so that is what 90% of the people did.  As for me I didn't see any discharge papers in view right away and seeing how the schedule starts again tomorrow I see no reason to go out and spend all my money making a lot of noise and making someone else rich.  Maybe I should of at least gone into San Antonio to see the rest of the people lose their heads but instead I just stayed on the base, went swimming and got a swell sun burn and saved my money.

Times Square
San Diego
Times Square
Navy Yard Hospital
Oak Ridge, Tennessee
Times Square

Paris, France

So for the last 48 hours I have been sleeping, eating and swimming and going to movies.  Boy it sure is a rough life to have nothing in the world you have to do but instead you really have to rack your brain trying to find something.  This army is making a lazy man out of me.

Tomorrow ends the big 2 day holiday.  The engines of the 29s have come to life again in preparation for flying tomorrow and the ground crews are again on the ramps repairing engines under huge lamps which lights things up like day.  I suppose the only reason we are starting again is because orders from higher up haven't yet been received to halt the program.  The thing is moving so fast that it will be hard to stop all at once.  We will probably have school for some time to come after official VJ day.  I don't care one way or the other so let them do as they please.  I only wish I could get home again before Summer is over and gone.

I am beginning to wonder just what is to be our fate.  It goes without saying that the army doesn't want all the men it has trained to fly in fact it doesn't need all the men who would like to stay in.  I for one would like to stay in a little longer and see how things are going to work out.  I also would like to go back to school but can hardly imagine myself doing accounting.  Maybe I can bring myself to it but I am sure the social side of college will be to me a lot more alluring.  What a change in the last 2 years.

I got Pop's card Tuesday.  That sure is a big potato on the front.  I really don't believe they grow them that big but you still have to believe 1/2 of what you see.

Well I guess that kind of winds things up.  I hope you aren't bored with the preceding 2 pages.

With love
what a life

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