Saturday, June 20, 2015

June 20, 1945

San Marcos Field
June 20, 1945

Dear A.P.

I keep getting mail post marked the 3rd of June and earlier. The mail so marked has been to Ardmore and then sent down here.  They must keep it up in Ardmore for a week or so and then send it down here.  This mail down here sure comes the long way and sometimes I believe it gets lost by mistake.

I guess it is about time I wrote to you.  You write very regularly and I on the other hand do not do such a good job.  We have all kinds of spare time but I just don't seem to get around to writing.

I kind of wish I were selling Real Estate rather than spinning my wheels down here.  Our navigation course is going ahead rather uncertainly and I feel that I could do just as much at home as here.  I just wish they would send us home on detached service until they need me and then I could really get somewhere.

Post War Aviation does take up some of my time whether folks at home think so or not.  Probably everyone feels that I am quite contented with my present flying but as it is it is so inadequate that my only hopes for enjoyable flying time will come after I get home on a civilian status.  Then I will be able to choose my own ship and fly it as I please.

However there is more to it than at once meets the eye.  Civilian flying has more to it than just take off and land.  The financial angle is what worries me the most, not that the initial cost will hold me back but maintenance costs and convenience of land.  Stoneham should have its own field but then again where would you suggest and just how could you get the small minded people you run into to consent to put up the money it would cost.  Air Fields eventually pay for themselves but the original outlay is rather large.

I read an article in a magazine which dealt along this problem.  It said that with the millions about to be put into Boston's Logan Field not a town with a light plane flying distance has made a step in the direction of furthering civilian aviation.  To me it seems too bad that people who can see Boston as the Air Terminal of the world can not also see that is also could be the center of private flying.  However I have seen enough of the country to believe that I don't have to come back to Stoneham to be happy.

Well so much for flying.  The weather around here is rather on the warm side.  It gets to 90 degrees every day except when a cold front goes through.  Then it gets cool for a couple of days.  I get to go swimming every day in town so I can keep cool.  After being here for a couple of weeks I think I am getting used to the weather.

They have a good swimming hole in town and I am getting pretty good.  Maybe I will surprise everyone when I get home.  In any event I am getting good exercise and a good sun tan.

It is about time to get back to class.  It starts t 2:00 PM and it's about time.  I guess I will write again a little sooner next time.


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