Thursday, March 26, 2015

March 26, 1945

Mar. 26, 1945

Dear Mother:

I haven't written to you for quite some time it seems.  Maybe I am neglecting you.  If so I hope you don't mind too much this once.

We are definitely going into Summer uniform next month so send mine as soon as you can.  I will really need them next week.  I will be looking for them pretty soon too.  It is getting rather warm here with temperatures around 70 or 80 every day.  I guess they figure it is warm enough now.

I suppose by now the trees are beginning to bud and things look like spring again.  I guess everyone is glad to see it coming after all the snow you had.  I kind of wish I had seen some more of that snow. By the way I will send those negatives so you can see the pictures you took.

We had a little excitement up in the air today.  Usually after we have ground checked the ship for take off the crew chief gets out because he doesn't fly.  When getting out he always turns off the auxiliary power unit which we call at "putt putt" which is actually a small generator.  However the crew chief was not the regular man and when getting out left the generator on.  After take off the tail gunner started back to his position and accidentally stepped on the leads and shorted one of them out.  It made a lot of sparks and set the insulation on fire and burned a 1/2" hole in a rib.  The first I heard about it was that we had a fire in the waist.  I turn immediately back to the field and gone an emergency landing.
Inside of a B-17 with Lt. Bob Welty

Although I knew the fire was not out I had no idea whether the whole waist had burned or if someone had started a fire in his clothes, so it wasn't till after we were on the ground and parked did I get a chance to see what actually had been done.  We really didn't damage anything very much because a little tape fixed everything but what might have happened doesn't make me feel good.

The wires on the generator are usually covered with gas and oil because they don't take too much care how they fill the engine.  The mount is also pretty well soaked and made of wood.  With all that gas and oil and those red hot sparks made by the burning aluminum it is a wonder nothing caught.  The aluminum-magnesium skin really burns and is actually impossible to extinguish so we could have had a wonderful fire if we had given it a chance.  The crew was right on the ball and had it out before it really got started.  However the hazard is in every ship on the field.  Next time we will know better. Experience is a hard teacher but it sure leaves an impression for a long time.  I'll not forget my lesson for a while.

I wish you could go to N.Y. and just see what there is to see.  If nothing better just go for a ride on the buses and go to the end of the line and come back.  I had more fun doing that than doing most anything.  Sometimes it looks a little silly but who cares.  You will never see any of the people you meet on a bus again so who cares.  Then you can go and see Radio City and all.  I am sure if I went I could find loads to do and lots of places to go.  I think in most of the cities I have been in that if you go looking for something you can't exactly identify like just plain adventure or excitement that when you least expect it it pops up.  I have had a lot more fun walking around waiting for something to happen than seeing some of these famous places.

Too bad about the man power shortage.  I wish I could be home to putter around but if I were it would be the same story, man power shortage.  I wouldn't be able to sit down long and probably cutting bushes and grape vines would not look too good.

I only wish you would pull some stunt which would make the family wonder about you.  They expect to see you every night when they get home but if you didn't show up some night and left only an ambiguous message I am sure they would not take you so much for granted.  I guess such things are for young people only and after you get your responsibilities you have to stay around.

I just had a bright idea.  Why don't you go down and see my navigator's mother.  She lives down in Conrad and would probably like to see you.  It would be a chance to get away and someone to go see.  It's a chance to go somewhere and have an excuse.  If the idea sounds good I will get his address and he will write his mother.  At least you could write to her.  He says that his mother also sounds a little bored with the same old thing every day.

Well your bright idea boy must sign off and go to bed.  I really need the sleep because my head is beginning to ache.

With love
Austin XX

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