Monday, February 9, 2015

February 9, 1945

Dear A.P.:

Today is the one I have waited for for just as long as I can remember.  Today I am 21 years old and am no longer my father's responsibility.  Now all the little lessons of my childhood will be put to a test and we will see if my family did the job and gave me the right start.

I am sure I could not have picked two better parents.  If I had had a chance to pick who would give me my home I might have picked millionaires but I doubt if I could have been as happy or have learned any more practical ways of living than I have from you and Mother.  No my home could not have been much happier.

Years ago I had the idea that by 21 everything would be running smoothly and my life would be settled for me.  I had dreams of having a home of my own and making enough money to be happy.  However I have lost the last couple of years to that dream and instead I have gained a very technical education that makes life's problems no easier.  Socially I am no farther advanced than a year ago or two years ago but economically and mentally I am far advanced for my time, not that I am a great brain or anything but that I have qualified at 21 for a job held down several years ago by men far my senior.  Actually my 21 years still classifies me as only a kid in this game.

I suppose by law now I am my own boss and the parental strings are about cut.  I am no longer responsible to you but to myself.  I suppose I can take the family name to glory or to ruin.  I have only my pride and pride of my name to guide me.  Yesterday I was a kid but today I am a man but feel like a kid.

Well I am meeting my share of the girls out this way some I like and others I have little or no interest in.  Most of the college girls are loads of fun and very attractive and come from good families.  The other girls on the other hand do not generally come from the better families.

You probably know that when you are looking for fun you take along most anyone who will fit in.  I met an elevator operator who looked rather nice.  We had a date then just what you can expect happened.  She fell for the shiny buttons and the wings.  She also came from a very poor family and has no high school education.  Now when you get all the facts you can practically tell what will happen but when you ask a girl for a date you can hardly ask for her references.

Another one is the daughter of the Attorney-General.  Of course she is attending college and a heck of a lot more sensible.  We met her quite by accident.  She picked us up.  We were waiting on a street corner one cold afternoon for a street car when this big car stopped at a stop light.  She rolled down a window and asked us if we wanted a ride.  We piled into the back seat and saw an Alpha Phi sticker.  We know a couple of Alpha Phi girls so we asked them about it and found out we had a couple more of the family.  So you see once you hit it off good and the next time you get caught for being friendly.

Well this birthday has been the best since I have been away.  The Schmale family gave me a celebration last night and the Suley's today.  People out this way are really wonderful.  Also all the people at home seemed to remember me.  I wish I could thank them all and I hope I get the time but maybe I won't be able to find the time.  I am really glad to have so many friends especially when some special occasion comes up.  Maybe all those little jobs around the church pay off after a while.  I never would take one for that reason but the friendships are really wonderful.

Well I hope my next year will be as happy and as successful as this one.  It has had a few minor disappointments but I have received all of the major things.  I have the wings and commission and a flying job, what else could I want.  Yes I am very happy and well pleased with what I have accomplished even though at present it look like not much at all.

With love

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