Friday, February 27, 2015

February 27, 1945

Feb. 27, 1945

Dear Mother:

We have had some bad weather of late so I have time to write again.  We had an ice and sleet storm last night that has rather disrupted our flying schedule.  We were scheduled today and as a consequence have had most of the day free.

I haven't done much writing but rather done some reading.  I read the book "Random Harvest" by James Hilton.  I never would have read it except that it was left here and I picked it up in a dull moment and liked it so much I had to finish it.  My writing has to suffer while I read.

Maybe I wrote that we flew one day last week.  We spent 11 1/2 hours on the line and I was the tiredest I have ever been.  I only had had two donuts and a glass of milk for breakfast and no dinner to work on.  Seeing they are trying to check up airplane commanders out undid all of the work and 6 hours of flying was almost too much.  The last hour was the longest I have spent in a long time.

I have not yet been to town because there is not much of a town to go to.  It is about 14 miles from the base and rather small.  The base is not very much either.  They burn dirty coal here and things are pretty well spread out.  Things are not too comfortable but we expect to be on the line and in school a lot more than in the barracks.  They have one theater on the field for entertainment but not much more.  Anyway we are just getting used to the new post regulations which seem senseless and useless.  Well we will be settled down soon and life will take on a new color.

I feel very fortunate in getting the crew I did.  They all look like good boys.  My pilot is married and 25 (Mary must be very disappointed).  He is a very quiet sort of a fellow and a wonderful fellow.  He doesn't know anything about the B17 and I doubt if he can land it even on a bet but he seems ready to learn.  He is really a good man and a lot of fun.  He comes from upstate New York and speaks English.

My navigator is a rather good looking kid.  He is also quiet and a lot of fun.  He is about 20 and single and about my size or a little shorter.  He is a fun loving kid so I guess we will get along well together.  He comes from Conn. so we have 3 damn Yankees down here south of the Mason-Dixon so if we stick together we should get somewhere.

As yet I haven't seen my Bombardier because he is still on leave.  He should be back tomorrow and I will get an idea what kind of a knob twister I will have.

I don't know very much about my enlisted crew.  All I do know is that one just turned 19 yesterday, he is the tail gunner.  He is from El Paso Tex.  My ball turret gunner is a Okie and very small.  My radio man is pretty good.  He can take 20 words a minute and knows a lot about his radio.  My engineer is quite a boy.  He doesn't know much about the ship but he can read instruments and looks bright enough to catch on quick.  He is eager to learn and  will be a good man after he has had enough ground school.  I don't know anything about my Armorer.  He is a heavy set fellow and looks like he knows his job.  All in all they are a pretty good looking bunch.  I don't think I could have picked a better bunch.  I am so happy with the men I got.

We are scheduled to fly tomorrow and we may if the weather gets better.  I in a way hope we don't because they are throwing a party in the club tomorrow and I want to see a stage show they are having.  I want to fly because the sooner I get the first 3 rides over with the better I will like it.  We are to have an instrument check and a formation check before we can solo out.  We are suppose to have 20 hours of instruction which amounts to 2 more rides.  I am rather eager to get going.

I don't have too much to write except that I got the big picture and the little photos the other day.  My big picture came out pretty well.  I liked the little photos too.  Honey came out good too.  In fact I believe I kind of spoil the pictures.  What do think I should do with the big picture?  Well enough for now!

With love

Sunday, February 22, 2015

February 22, 1945

Feb. 22, 1945

Dear Mother:

This letter will be very short and probably be the shortest yet.  We are down here in Ardmore Okla. at our final phase base.  I have a full crew which makes 9 men.  They no longer give the crews 2 waist gunners so we have only 9 men.  I have not seen the bombardier yet because he is on leave but I am very fortunate in having a crew such as I have.

Ardmore Army Air Field
Check out the link for stories from the field.

The enlisted men are all privates and corp. and my navigator is a Flt. Officer.  My co-pilot is a wonderful fellow but a little quiet.  He has only had 30 hours in 17s and a graduate of a twin engine school which helps a lot.  I feel very fortunate in getting the officers I have.  My bombardier has been through the school once so we have a good chance of flying overseas.

My enlisted men have had very little time in the ship, especially the engineer upon whom I was going to depend. He knows nothing about the 17 and the ground school and I will have to give him all the dope.  They are all pretty clean cut from most everywhere in the country.  This will have to end because they have put us on a tight schedule for the first 4 days and then on the next 9 so don't look too much for news. 

With love

Saturday, February 14, 2015

February 13, 1945

Feb. 13, 1945

Dear Esther:

I guess I haven't written for some time so it's about time I got something off in your direction.  I got your nuts yesterday and was pleased as usual.  You seem to know what I like.  I only wish I could say the same.

We don't have very much to do all day but raise the dickens and amuse the Suleys.  We eat at a drug store and usually spend about 2 hours eating a sandwich and a bowl of soup.  We sit and sling a line at the girls and just have a good time. We kid them along and they kid us.  It's just one big session to see who can make the best wise crack before the others can open their mouths.  The girls are married I believe but their job must get monotonous. Anyway they just laugh now when Sam and I come in.  Mr. Suley says we are a couple of Tommy Manville's, a couple of playboys on a much smaller scale.  He says we have nothing to do but think up mischief and get into as much as possible.

Just to show you that all this playing is doing no good I can give you two examples.  I was pulling a sled a couple of weeks ago and sprained my ankle and had to hobble around for a couple of weeks.  Last Sunday I was riding a young lady's bike and twisted my knee and sprung it so that I again hobble around.  I guess it's no use, I must either go to work or quite fooling around before I really do some harm.

You know I have all kinds of trouble writing letters with the folks around.  Mr. Suley (dad) keeps telling stories about when he was a traveling man and he keeps us pretty well entertained.  He is really quite a character.  He took us to dinner with him yesterday at the Chamber of Commerce and then we took him to play pool.  We let the loser pay and he paid most of the time.  Then he started giving out the story that he had been picked up by the soldiers and they were taking his money.  If he hadn't said it with a smile I might have believed him.  

Maybe you like gum.  I saw this in the PX yesterday and thought maybe there was a shortage at home. I don't have much of a choice but you can have what is left.  I believe I shall make up a box for you poor civilians and send it along soon.  All I need is a few ideas and a box to put them in.

Well I must quit now and let Mr. Suley talk some more.

With love

Friday, February 13, 2015

February 13, 1945

Feb. 13, 1945

Dear Mother:

        It is time to write again but I have no idea what to write about.  What has really been bothering me is whether I thanked you for the birthday candy.  It got here on Feb 9th all right so it was a really 
Christmas  birthday present.  The candy is really good and as usual all of the people here liked it.
(what am I thinking about?)

Life is running along as usual with nothing new happening.  We didn't get to church last Sunday morning but had to report out to the base at 0800 for a oxygen mask refit and to have a microphone installed.  It turned out to be one of those long line affairs with nothing to do in between.  We all got pretty mad about the whole thing.

Mr. and Mrs. Suley got your letter the other day and showed it to me so be careful what you write from now on.  I have been wondering if you have sent that Sunday paper yet.  I hope you have or will soon because they are very interested in seeing one of the local scandal sheets.

Seeing you are going to give a story to the Independent you must know about all there is to know.  I am here in Lincoln to pick up a crew for further B17 base training.  The training is expected to take from 10-12 weeks after which we will return to Lincoln for overseas assignment.  You can give the paper a big story and sling the bull all you want.

I wish I could send a letter to all the people who sent me a card.  I have a big stack of cards and don't feel that I can answer all the little short notes on the back.  I will answer a few of them.  I got quite a kick out of the card William sent.  I showed it to Mr. Suley and he got quite a laugh out of it.  Maybe you didn't see it but it was really rather rare.  I don't know where he could have got it.

I am going to write Esther a letter right now and send it at the same time I send this.  However this one will go airmail and Esther's goes free.  You can see how much difference there is in the time for each.  Maybe you can let me know what the difference is.

I sent you some flowers today so please let me know what you get.  I hope it gets to you on time.

Well I don't know what I should write except that I wish my address would change again.  I am not getting tired of Lincoln but just getting tired of drawing $150 a month and not getting any flying.  I guess I kind of miss the "wild blue yonder" more than I think.  I think I will rent a plane just for a ride before long.

Well for nothing better to write I will write the finish to this little note.

With love

Monday, February 9, 2015

Birthday - 45

Birthday - 45

Dear Mother:

I got letters from about everyone today and I really should answer them but how can I and keep up in my social life?  It is just one big whirl.  

Well Mother, you can no longer make me do dishes or go to bed or do anything but disinherit me and kick me out.  Today I am a man???  I am no longer your little boy but 21 years old, old enough to vote and pick the next president.  My it's a wonderful feeling but I feel like I did yesterday.  I know my rights now and you had better look out.

You know I don't think I will disconnect myself from the family quite yet.  I still like most of the people in Stoneham and it seems that my favorite relations live in Stoneham.  The Army still has quite an influence on me so I can't see that I have gained a heck of a lot in the last 24 hours.

The Seeleys and the Schmales were both wonderful.  They tried to give me a good time and were very successful.  It's no so much what they do as just the gesture.  It makes one feel good to know that someone cares. I doubt if we could have run into two any finer families if we had set out to find them.  How lucky I am.

Well Sam and I are giving the girls a break.  We are having a little trouble breaking their hearts but I hope they get over it and don't take their lives because we spurned their love.  After all they should feel lucky to even get a date with such an eligible pair.  We sure are a gift to the women.  We meet all comers on their home ground.

Well maybe it isn't that bad but we have never been refused since we have been here.  Once we took a girl away from a lab period and again away from a study period for an exam.  They are always too glad to come and help us spend our money.  The trouble is they don't seem to be gold diggers but rather spend thrifts.  

I shouldn't write to you about such things because you might get the idea that I will fall in love or something but that won't happen.  I am immune to women and have a fond intention of being a bachelor.  Maybe after I have made a million I will give some nice pretty home-loving girl a break but not till I find one such.

I hope you haven't forgotten the newspaper for the Seeley's.  Now about those pictures.  I sure would like some kind of proof that I had the pictures taken.  Never mind the small pictures if they are going to be a bunch of highway robbers.  What they are asking is much too much.  maybe Mr. Braynard can tell you what we should know but don't get the small pictures if they are going to ask all of what you quoted to me.

I guess I will have to leave off here and continue some other day.

With love

February 9, 1945

Dear A.P.:

Today is the one I have waited for for just as long as I can remember.  Today I am 21 years old and am no longer my father's responsibility.  Now all the little lessons of my childhood will be put to a test and we will see if my family did the job and gave me the right start.

I am sure I could not have picked two better parents.  If I had had a chance to pick who would give me my home I might have picked millionaires but I doubt if I could have been as happy or have learned any more practical ways of living than I have from you and Mother.  No my home could not have been much happier.

Years ago I had the idea that by 21 everything would be running smoothly and my life would be settled for me.  I had dreams of having a home of my own and making enough money to be happy.  However I have lost the last couple of years to that dream and instead I have gained a very technical education that makes life's problems no easier.  Socially I am no farther advanced than a year ago or two years ago but economically and mentally I am far advanced for my time, not that I am a great brain or anything but that I have qualified at 21 for a job held down several years ago by men far my senior.  Actually my 21 years still classifies me as only a kid in this game.

I suppose by law now I am my own boss and the parental strings are about cut.  I am no longer responsible to you but to myself.  I suppose I can take the family name to glory or to ruin.  I have only my pride and pride of my name to guide me.  Yesterday I was a kid but today I am a man but feel like a kid.

Well I am meeting my share of the girls out this way some I like and others I have little or no interest in.  Most of the college girls are loads of fun and very attractive and come from good families.  The other girls on the other hand do not generally come from the better families.

You probably know that when you are looking for fun you take along most anyone who will fit in.  I met an elevator operator who looked rather nice.  We had a date then just what you can expect happened.  She fell for the shiny buttons and the wings.  She also came from a very poor family and has no high school education.  Now when you get all the facts you can practically tell what will happen but when you ask a girl for a date you can hardly ask for her references.

Another one is the daughter of the Attorney-General.  Of course she is attending college and a heck of a lot more sensible.  We met her quite by accident.  She picked us up.  We were waiting on a street corner one cold afternoon for a street car when this big car stopped at a stop light.  She rolled down a window and asked us if we wanted a ride.  We piled into the back seat and saw an Alpha Phi sticker.  We know a couple of Alpha Phi girls so we asked them about it and found out we had a couple more of the family.  So you see once you hit it off good and the next time you get caught for being friendly.

Well this birthday has been the best since I have been away.  The Schmale family gave me a celebration last night and the Suley's today.  People out this way are really wonderful.  Also all the people at home seemed to remember me.  I wish I could thank them all and I hope I get the time but maybe I won't be able to find the time.  I am really glad to have so many friends especially when some special occasion comes up.  Maybe all those little jobs around the church pay off after a while.  I never would take one for that reason but the friendships are really wonderful.

Well I hope my next year will be as happy and as successful as this one.  It has had a few minor disappointments but I have received all of the major things.  I have the wings and commission and a flying job, what else could I want.  Yes I am very happy and well pleased with what I have accomplished even though at present it look like not much at all.

With love

Sunday, February 1, 2015

February 1, 1945

Jan 1, 1945

Dear Mother:

Here I sit trying to talk to Mr. Seeley and write at the same time and concentrate on both.  I guess the outcome will be rather jumbled and incoherent.

I got Dad's letter today and a letter from you yesterday so I have had something to read in the last few days.  I guess from the way mail has come, both newspapers and mail from other people that I have hit the jackpot in the last few days.

Mr. Seeley has got a hold of my church report and I am having a time explaining it all to him. I am rather surprised at how little I know.  He is running off the financial reports and seeing how they compare with those of his church.  The two are approx. the same size so he is comparing notes.  He likes to get a hold of most anything that has to do with churches.  In fact he is interested in anything about N.E.

That reminds me.  Could you please send the folks a Sunday Herald.  They are very interested in everything that is different and uncommon around here.  When I discuss such things as papers they are so interested in just what is found in them.  Please send the paper to Mr. Suby 1740 Garfield St. Lincoln NEb.  He would like so much to get one.

I really don't have a lot to write about.  We are going through the same old routine.  We got out to the base and sign in at 0900 and leave at 0930 and the rest of the day is ours.  We have nothing to do with all our spare time but to read books and spend our money.  I am getting tired of doing nothing and getting paid for it.  All I want is to get up in the air again and see a few clouds below me again.  I am rather in love with my flying and want to get up and see if I can still make the old plane behave.  There is something about flying that seems to get in your blood and makes you want to get up again after too long on the ground.

We seem to be no nearer shipping orders than we were a week ago.  We expected to be gone long before now but we just seem to hang on.  None of our group has shipped yet and none have seen any orders.  I guess we have just been left behind and forgotten.

You really have been having cold weather.  We have had one zero day out here.  I have only the jacket to wear so I get rather cold.  I seem to stand it all right but I wish I had enough sense to put on my long underwear and be warm.  The only trouble is that it is so hot when you are inside.

That patch is a 3rd Air Force patch worn by all men permanently assigned to the 3rd.  We are not permanently assigned so we just send them home for you folks to see.  They are a different patch but not so nice as some that I have seen.  It is not very attractive.
3rd Air Force Patch

I am sorry Esther is not feeling too well.  Water on the knee is no joke - and what complications.  She also has a cold, well that's how things come, in little patches all the time.

I have kind of run out of gab so must put a stop to it somewhere.  The end of a page seems like a good place.  What has happened to the pictures that were going to be developed in El Paso and sent to me?

With love