Saturday, March 8, 2014

March 8, 1944

Mar. 8, 1944
Dear Mother:
Well here comes another set of cards with a little story.  This card has nothing to do with the story but was picked out because it was rather nice looking and seemed to be a place I would like to see.  I have never seen any water like that but the rock formations are very familiar because on cross country I flew close to a mountain side and the side really looked about that close as I went by.

 That cactus is very familiar because they grow like trees and are just as hard when you hit.

This card shows a very familiar scene, one which we see every time we go to town.  The desert, mountains and the cactus are the most seen things out here.  When you get in the air they are now more distinguishable but on the ground that is all that can be seen.  I don't know much about them but I am sure that I would not like to run into any of them unexpectedly like one fellow did running the Burma Road.

A.P. was very interested in the architecture of many of the beautiful buildings here.  Well this card shows a typical farm and I might say a dormant form of habitant.  "Old Tucson" which is mentioned was originally a movie set built several years ago.  The film "Arizona" was filmed out there.  However the post office shown is a typical structure.  They are made out of mud bricks which stand up rather well under the beating they get.

As we got our first look at town each week it looks much like this.  There isn't much of a "skyline" but it looks pretty good to us.  The "A" Mt. is a dairy in the valley beneath the mt.  It has a huge "A" on the side and is a distinguishing feature.  The fields are kept green by irrigation and I might say that the green looked rather good.

Google Maps street view of Tucson today at 6th and Congress
You can see a few trees grow there and they also look good although they are rather dried up looking.
This picture is taken almost at the corner of 6th and Congress, the corner we get off.  The 2 theaters are the ones we go to often and the bus shown is just like our only means of transportation.  I guess you can get some idea of what the town is like now.  I guess I will be able to remember it better also.

This is what A Mountain looked like back in the day.

Updated and patriafied

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